Maria Lawrence Babbitt – Biography
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Babbitt, Maria Lawrence


18 Dec. 1823–1847. Born in Pickering, York Co. (later in Ontario), Upper Canada. Daughter of Edward Lawrence and Margaret. Moved with family to Lima, Adams Co., Illinois, 1838. Father died, between 5 Nov. and 23 Dec. 1839. Resided in Quincy, Adams Co., 1840. JS became legal guardian, 4 Jan. 1841. Resided with mother and stepfather in Nauvoo, Hancock Co., Illinois, Third Ward, ca. spring 1842. Began living with JS’s family, ca. 1843. Identified in some sources as a plural wife of JS, sealed ca. May 1843. Sealed to Brigham Young, 12 Oct. 1844, in Nauvoo. Married third Almon W. Babbitt, 24 Jan. 1846, in Nauvoo. Died in Nauvoo.


Alternate Names

Lawrence, Maria