Michael Quiggle Crane – Biography
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Crane, Michael Quiggle


15 May 1787–7 Nov. 1847. Farmer, land speculator. Born in what later became Wayne Township, Lycoming Co., Pennsylvania. Son of George Washington Crane and Catherine Quiggle. Married first Ann Pfouts, ca. 1815, possibly in Lycoming Co. Married second Maria Covenhoven, 10 Oct. 1831, in Nippenose Township, Lycoming Co. Moved to Warren Co. (later in Henderson Co.), Illinois, ca. 1836, and settled in Lomax Township, Henderson Co., 1840. Owned part interest in sawmill in Wisconsin; leased interest to Latter-day Saints for preparing lumber for construction of Nauvoo temple, 1841. Served as Henderson Co. commissioner, 1842–1845. Hosted JS and large party that freed JS from arrest, 1843, in Lomax Township. Buried in Crane Cemetery, Lomax Township.

