Oliver Snow – Biography
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Snow, Oliver


18 Sept. 1775–17 Oct. 1845. Farmer, teacher. Born in Becket, Berkshire Co., Massachusetts. Son of Oliver Snow and Rebecca Wadsworth. Intention to marry Rosetta Leonora Pettibone in Congregational church dated 6 May 1800, in Becket. Resided in Tyringham, Berkshire Co., 1805. Moved to Mantua, Trumbull Co., Ohio, 1805. Baptized into Baptist church, 1809; later affiliated with Campbellite movement, ca. 1828. Portage Co. commissioner, 1809–1815. Baptized into Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, before 20 June 1836. Moved to Kirtland, Geauga Co., Ohio, 1837. Ordained an elder, before 24 Sept. 1837. Joseph Smith Sr. hid in Snow's home, 1837. Moved to Adam-ondi-Ahman, Daviess Co., Missouri, 1838; to Quincy, Adams Co., Illinois, 1839; to La Harpe, Hancock Co., Illinois, 1840; to Nauvoo, Hancock Co., 1841; and to Walnut Grove Township, Knox Co., Illinois, 1842. Died in Walnut Grove Township.

