Samuel Brannan – Biography
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Brannan, Samuel


2 Mar. 1819–5 May 1889. Printer, editor, publisher, miner, businessman, land developer. Born at Saco, York Co., Maine. Son of Thomas Brannan and Sarah Emery. Moved to Kirtland, Geauga Co., Ohio, 1833. Baptized into Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, 1833, in Kirtland. Printer’s apprentice for three years; reportedly resided with family of JS. Ordained an elder, 1838. Married first Harriet Hatch, 1841, in Ohio. Married second Ann Eliza Corwin, ca. 1842, in New York. A founder of The Prophet, 1844, in New York City. Appointed presiding elder in New York City, 25 Oct. 1844. Led group of 238 Latter-day Saints from New York to Yerba Buena, Mexico (later San Francisco), via Hawaii by ship, 1846. Moved to Sacramento, Mexico (later Sacramento Co., California), fall 1847, and opened store later named Brannan & Co. Returned to San Francisco, 1849. Excommunicated, 1 Sept. 1851, in San Francisco. Elected senator of California, 1853. Divorced wife, 1870. Moved to Guaymas, Sonora, Mexico. Married third Carmelita de Llaguno, ca. 1871. Moved to Escondido, San Diego Co., California, before 1889. Died at Escondido.

