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Arlington House, New Utrecht, New York


Long Island residence of James Arlington Bennet, who corresponded with JS, 1842–1843. Bennet purchased a hundred acres of land in New Utrecht, New York, in 1825 and there built the residence known as “Arlington House.” He deeded it to his son, James H. A. Bennet, in December 1844. In an 1839 abstract printed with a lithograph of the residence, Bennet identified himself as the proprietor, architect, and designer of the house. He described the house as built in a new style of architecture, called the Columbian Order, measuring seventy-four by eighty feet and featuring ornate columns and two greenhouses.


Lithograph, John H. Bufford, 1839. (Courtesy Library of Congress, Washington DC.)

Arlington House Lithograph, John H. Bufford, 1839. (Courtesy Library of Congress, Washington DC.)

New Utrecht
Kings County
New York
United States of America