the Twelve & some others met in couinil [council] with. Bros— Mitchel curtis, & Stephen Curtis. who left the 1st of Janua[r]y. Black River Sent by & to know whithe[r] should preach to the Indians. The Menominees & Chippeway having requ[e]sted it. I told them to tell the chippeways had given some wampum as token of peace.— & the breth[r]en had given them 1/2 bar[rel] flour & an ox to keep them from starving. & had gone through to Green bay with them.— to mark a road.— I told them to tell I have no council to shed blood <give> him. he is there on his own ground. and he must act on his own responsibility. & do what he thinks best. & he shall never be brought into any difficulty about it by us.
I instructed the 12 to send out a delegation— & investigate the Locations of & & find a good Location where we can remove after the is completed.— & build a city in a day— and have a governme[n]t of our own—— in a hea[l]thy climate— [p. [271]]