Interim Content
Richards, Willard
24 June 1804–11 Mar. 1854. Teacher, lecturer, doctor, clerk, printer, editor, postmaster. Born at Hopkinton, Middlesex Co., Massachusetts. Son of Joseph Richards and Rhoda Howe. Moved to Richmond, Berkshire Co., Massachusetts, 1813; to Chatham, Columbia Co., New York, by Nov. 1820; to Lanesborough, Berkshire Co., by Nov. 1821; and to Nassau, Rensselaer Co., New York, by 6 Apr. 1823. Traveled through New England, giving lectures on scientific subjects for several years, beginning 1827. Practiced medicine at Thomsonian infirmary, beginning 1834, in Boston. Moved to Holliston, Middlesex Co., 1835. Moved to Kirtland, Geauga Co., Ohio, Oct. 1836. Baptized into Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints by Brigham Young, 31 Dec. 1836, in Kirtland. Appointed to serve mission to eastern U.S., 13 Mar. 1837. Served mission to England, 1837–1841. Married Jennetta Richards, 24 Sept. 1838, in Walker Fold, Chaigley, Lancashire, England. Ordained member of Quorum of the Twelve, 14 Apr. 1840, at Preston, Lancashire. Traveled to Nauvoo, Hancock Co., Illinois, 16 Aug. 1841. Moved to Warsaw, Hancock Co., 7 Sept. 1841; moved to Nauvoo, 11 Dec. 1841. Member of Nauvoo City Council, 1841–1843. Appointed recorder for Nauvoo temple and JS’s scribe, 13 Dec. 1841. Member of Nauvoo Masonic Lodge. Appointed JS’s private secretary and church historian, 21 Dec. 1842; church recorder, 30 July 1843; and Nauvoo city recorder and clerk of municipal court, Aug. 1843. Admitted to Council of Fifty, 11 Mar. 1844, and served as recorder of council. Participated in plural marriage during JS’s lifetime. Before death of JS, completed personal history of JS up to Aug. 1838. With JS in jail in Carthage, Hancock Co., when JS and Hyrum Smith were murdered, 27 June 1844. Moved to Winter Quarters, unorganized U.S. territory (later in Omaha, Douglas Co., Nebraska), 1846. Migrated to Salt Lake Valley and returned to Winter Quarters, 1847. Appointed second counselor to Brigham Young in church presidency, 27 Dec. 1847, at what became Council Bluffs, Pottawattamie Co., Iowa. Led company of Saints to Salt Lake Valley, 1848. Appointed secretary and president of legislative council for provisional state of Deseret. Secretary of Utah Territory, postmaster of Salt Lake City, and editor of Deseret News. Died at Salt Lake City.
- Statement of Account from Theodore Turley, 2 April 1844
- History, 1838–1856, volume A-1 [23 December 1805–30 August 1834]
- History Draft [6 August 1838–30 December 1839]
- History Draft [1 January–31 December 1840]
- History, 1838–1856, volume C-1 [2 November 1838–31 July 1842]
- John Whitmer, History, 1831–circa 1847
- Promissory Note from John F. Wakefield, 9 January 1840–B
- City Charter: Laws, Ordinances, and Acts, July 1842
- Elders’ Journal, August 1838
- Elders’ Journal, November 1837
- Elders’ Journal, October 1837
- Jubilee Songs, between 11 and 18 January 1843
- Times and Seasons, 1 April 1842
- Times and Seasons, 1 August 1842
- Times and Seasons, 1 July 1842
- Times and Seasons, 1 June 1842
- Times and Seasons, 1 March 1842
- Times and Seasons, 1 September 1842
- Times and Seasons, 15 August 1842
- Times and Seasons, 15 July 1842
- Times and Seasons, 15 June 1842
- Times and Seasons, 15 March 1842
- Times and Seasons, 15 September 1842
- Times and Seasons, 16 May 1842
- Times and Seasons , 2 May 1842
- Account of Hearing, 10 February 1843, as Reported by Willard Richards [ State of Illinois v. Olney ]
- Account of Hearing, 4 January 1843 [ Extradition of JS for Accessory to Assault ]
- Account of Hearing, 8 May 1844 [ F. M. Higbee v. JS–A on Habeas Corpus ]
- Account of Hearing, 8 May 1844, Copy [ F. M. Higbee v. JS–A on Habeas Corpus ]
- Account of Hearing, circa 16 December 1841 [ Robinson v. C. Granger ]
- Account of Meeting and Discourse, 18 June 1842
- Account of Meeting and Discourse, 5 January 1841, as Reported by William P. McIntire
- Account of Meeting, 1 January 1843
- Account of Meeting, 20 February 1844, as Reported by Willard Richards
- Account of Meeting, 23 May 1844
- Account of Trial, 26 April 1844 [ City of Nauvoo v. C. L. Higbee et al. ]
- Accounts Payable, 1 February–19 April 1838
- Addenda Notes [1835]
- Addenda Notes [January 1840]
- Addenda Notes [October–November 1840, November 1841]
- Affidavit from Andrew M. Hamilton and James B. Hamilton, 20 December 1843, Thomas Bullock First Copy
- Affidavit from Anson Call and Others, 19 June 1844
- Affidavit from Caleb Baldwin and Others, 7 July 1843
- Affidavit from Carlos Lyon, 20 June 1844
- Affidavit from Claudius Spencer, 2 July 1844
- Affidavit from Henry T. Hugins, 31 May 1844
- Affidavit from Jesse Price, 5 August 1844
- Affidavit from John P. Greene and John M. Bernhisel, 20 June 1844
- Affidavit from John P. Greene, 21 June 1844
- Affidavit from John R. Wakefield, 24 June 1844
- Affidavit from Philander Avery, 20 December 1843, Willard Richards Copy
- Affidavit from Philander Avery, 20 December 1843, Thomas Bullock Copy
- Affidavit from Stephen Markham, 17 June 1844
- Affidavit from Thomas G. Wilson, 16 June 1844
- Affidavit from Thomas G. Wilson, 16 June 1844, Copy
- Affidavit from Truman Gillet Jr., 18 June 1844
- Affidavit from Truman Gillet Jr., 18 June 1844, Draft
- Affidavit from Willard Richards and Philip B. Lewis, 8 December 1843
- Affidavit from Willard Richards, 18 December 1843
- Affidavit, 10 April 1843 [ State of Illinois v. Drown ]
- Affidavit, 2 January 1843, Willard Richards Copy [ Extradition of JS for Accessory to Assault ]
- Affidavit, 2 January 1843, William Clayton Copy [ Extradition of JS for Accessory to Assault ]
- Affidavit, 21 June 1844
- Affidavit, 3 October 1843–B [ State of Illinois v. Drown ]
- Affidavit, 7 July 1843–A
- Affidavit, 7 July 1843–B
- Agreement with Ebenezer Robinson and Don Carlos Smith, 14 December 1840
- Agreement with Ebenezer Robinson, 4 February 1842
- Agreement with Willard Richards, 14 December 1841
- Agreement with William Tenney and Others, 30 November 1836
- Agreement, 4 January 1838
- Agreement, Henry G. Sherwood and Others with Justin Butterfield, 16 December 1842
- Agreement, Henry G. Sherwood and Others with Justin Butterfield, 16 December 1842, Copy
- Amendment to Ordinance, 10 January 1844
- Amendment to Ordinance, 10 January 1844, as Published in Nauvoo Neighbor
- Amendment, 5 March 1842
- Answers to Questions, between circa 4 and circa 20 March 1832, as Recorded in Richards, Pocket Companion [D&C 77]
- Appendix 1: First Theological Lecture on Faith, circa January–May 1835
- Appendix 1: Letter, Lucien Woodworth to Sam Houston, 14 July 1844
- Appendix 1: Missouri Extradition Attempt, 1842–1843, Selected Documents, Introduction
- Appendix 2: Council of Fifty, Minutes, 27 February 1845
- Appendix 2: Thomas Bullock, Notes for JS History, circa Spring 1845
- Appendix 2: William Clayton, Journal Excerpt, 1–4 April 1843
- Appendix 3: Orson Hyde, Statement about Quorum of the Twelve, circa Late March 1845
- Appendix 3: Willard Richards, Journal Excerpt, 23–27 June 1844
- Appendix 4: Council of Fifty, Roll, 22 April 1845–27 December 1846
- Appendix 4: William Clayton, Daily Account of Joseph Smith’s Activities, 14–22 June 1844
- Appendix 5, Document 1. Draft Notes, January 1842
- Appendix 5, Document 2. Draft Notes, March and April 1842
- Appendix 5, Document 3. Draft Notes, December 1842
- Appendix 5, Document 4. Draft Notes, 1844
- Appendix 5, Document 5. Draft Notes, December 1841
- Appendix 5: Council of Fifty, Minutes, 13 January 1846
- Appendix 5: Willard Richards, Draft Notes of Joseph Smith’s Activities, 1842, 1844, Introduction
- Appendix: Wasp, Extra, 27 July 1842
- Appendix: Discourses, 22 June and 23 or 24 June 1844, as Recorded in Fullmer, Letterbook
- Appendix: Letter to Nancy Rigdon, circa Mid-April 1842
- Appointment of William Horner, 14 October 1843
- Appointment of William Horner, 14 October 1843, as Published in Nauvoo Neighbor
- Approval of Petition, 13 January 1844
- Approval of Petition, 13 January 1844, as Published in Nauvoo Neighbor
- Approval of Petition, 29 December 1843
- Approval of Petition, 29 December 1843, as Published in Nauvoo Neighbor
- Assignment to JS as Trustee-in-Trust, between 2 and 18 April 1842
- Assignment to William Clayton, 1 June 1843
- Attachment, 23 May 1844 [ Davis v. JS et al. ]
- Attachment, 24 November 1843 [ State of Illinois v. Finch on Habeas Corpus ]
- Authorization for Amos Fielding, 13 March 1844
- Authorization for Anson Matthews, 19 March 1842
- Authorization for George J. Adams, 1 June 1843
- Authorization for James Brown, 31 May 1843
- Authorization for Lucien Woodworth, 16 March 1844
- Authorization for Orson Hyde, 30 March 1844
- Authorization for Orson Pratt, 12 March 1844
- Authorization for Samuel Eggleston, 26 September 1842
- Authorization for Thomas R. King, 27 August 1842
- Bill from George Stiles and Others, circa 8 June 1844
- Bill from Hyrum Smith and Others, 26 November 1842
- Bill from John Taylor, 18 February 1842
- Bill from Orson Spencer, 11 January 1845
- Bill from Willard Richards, 12 August 1843
- Bill from Willard Richards, circa 11 January 1845
- Bill from Willard Richards, circa 29 June 1843–A
- Bill from Willard Richards, circa 29 June 1843–B
- Bill from Willard Richards, circa 29 June 1843–C
- Bill from Willard Richards, circa 31 May 1843
- Bill from William W. Phelps, 14 October 1843
- Bill from William W. Phelps, circa 18 September 1843–A
- Bill from William W. Phelps, circa 18 September 1843–B
- Bill of Costs, 30 May 1844 [ United States v. Jeremiah Smith on Habeas Corpus–A ]
- Bill of Damages, 4 June 1839
- Bill, 10 August 1844–B
- Bill, 10 August 1844–C
- Bill, 11 January 1845–A
- Bill, 11 January 1845–B
- Bill, 11 January 1845–D
- Bill, 11 January 1845–E
- Bill, 12 February 1844
- Bill, 8 February 1845–A
- Blank Bond from Davidson Hibbard, 10 January 1844
- Blessing from Joseph Smith Sr., 9 December 1834
- Blessing to Joseph Kingsbury, 23 March 1843
- Bond to Stephen Markham, 9 May 1840–B
- Bond to Isaac Chase, 14 January 1842
- Bond from Bradley Wilson, 19 February 1842
- Bond from Brigham Young and John M. Bernhisel, 30 May 1843
- Bond from Charles C. Rich, 5 February 1842
- Bond from Chauncey Robison, 22 October 1842
- Bond from Erie Rhodes, 16 September 1841
- Bond from Erie Rhodes, 16 September 1841, as Recorded in Bonds and Mortgages
- Bond from First Presidency, 4 January 1842
- Bond from First Presidency, 4 January 1842, in handwriting of William Clayton
- Bond from JS, Sidney Rigdon, and Hyrum Smith, 31 January 1842
- Bond from Lewis Dunbar Wilson and Bradley R. Bentley, 19 February 1842
- Bond from Smith Tuttle and John Gillet, 7 July 1843
- Bond from Thomas Rich, 5 February 1842
- Bond to Abraham Stevens, 6 October 1841
- Bond to Anson Mathews, 1 February 1840
- Bond to Hiram Clark, 23 September 1839
- Bond to Isaac Behunin, 1 November 1839
- Bond to Stephen Foot, 1 April 1840
- Bond to Stephen Markham, 9 May 1840–A
- Bond, 27–31 May 1843, Draft
- Bond, Daniel Carter to Gilbert Granger, 16 September 1841
- Bond, Henry G. Sherwood and Alexander Mills to City of Nauvoo, 20 November 1843
- Bond, Jonathan H. Hale and Others to City of Nauvoo, 22 November 1843
- Bond, Pulaski Cahoon and Others to Nauvoo City Mayor and City Council, 21 December 1843
- Book of Abraham Excerpt and Facsimile 2, 15 March 1842 [Abraham 2:19–5:21]
- Book of Abraham Manuscript and Explanation of Facsimile 1, circa February 1842 [Abraham 1:1–2:18]
- Book of Abraham Manuscript, 8–circa 15 March 1842 [Abraham 3:18–26]
- Book of Abraham and Facsimiles, 1 March–16 May 1842
- Brigham Young, Testimony, 1 July 1843 [ Extradition of JS for Treason ]
- Capias ad Respondendum, 1 May 1844, Copy [ F. M. Higbee v. JS–A ]
- Certificate, 21 May 1844 [ United States v. Jeremiah Smith ]
- Circular, 23 September 1843
- Claim from Alexander Mills, 4 November 1843
- Claim from Elijah Fordham, 11 November 1843
- Claim from George Stiles, circa 8 June 1844
- Claim from Henry G. Sherwood, 4 November 1843
- Claim from Henry G. Sherwood, circa 21 December 1843
- Claim from James Allred, 10 November 1843
- Claim from John S. Higbee, 9 December 1843
- Claim from Jonathan H. Hale, 10 November 1843
- Claim from Josiah Arnold, circa 4 November 1843
- Claim from Quick, 4 November 1843
- Claim from Sidney Rigdon, circa 16 December 1843
- Claim from Theodore Turley, 27 October 1843
- Claim from Willard Richards, circa 10 August 1844
- Claim from William D. Huntington, 20 December 1843
- Claims from Shadrach Roundy and Others, 4 and circa 19 December 1843
- Committee Appointments, 22 January 1842–B
- Committee Appointments, 22 January 1842–B, as Published in Times and Seasons
- Committee Appointments, circa 19 May–circa August 1842
- Complaint, 1 April 1844 [ City of Nauvoo v. C. L. Higbee–B ]
- Complaint, 1 December 1842 [ City of Nauvoo v. Davis for Ardent Spirits ]
- Complaint, 1 December 1842 [ City of Nauvoo v. Davis for Assault ]
- Complaint, 15 January 1844 [ City of Nauvoo v. F. M. Higbee ]
- Complaint, 4 October 1843, Copy [ State of Illinois v. Drown ]
- Complaint, 9 February 1844 [ City of Nauvoo v. Withers ]
- Copyright for Map of the City of Nauvoo, 17 December 1842
- Council of Fifty, Minutes, March 1844–January 1846; Volume 1, 10 March 1844–1 March 1845
- Council of Fifty, Minutes, March 1844–January 1846; Volume 2, 1 March–6 May 1845
- Council of Fifty, Minutes, March 1844–January 1846; Volume 3, 6 May 1845–13 January 1846
- Decision, 5 January 1843, as Reported by John Taylor and Others [ Extradition of JS for Accessory to Assault ]
- Decision, 5 January 1843, as Reported by Willard Richards [ Extradition of JS for Accessory to Assault ]
- Declaration, 18 January 1842, in handwriting of Willard Richards
- Declaration, circa 8 May 1844 [ Phelps, Assignee of JS v. Wilson Law ]
- Deed from Elbridge and Elmira Pinkham Tufts, 1 June 1844
- Deed from Ethan Kimball, 20 June 1842
- Deed from Noah and Cynthia Clark Hubbard, 21 December 1841
- Deed from Orson and Marinda Nancy Johnson Hyde, 10 February 1843
- Deed from Peter and Charlotte Harrington Haws, 29 May 1843
- Deed from Willard and Jennetta Richards Richards, 23 February 1843
- Deed to Alvah Tippets, 29 April 1842
- Deed to Angelina Works Robinson, 28 February 1842
- Deed to Charles Ivins, 30 April 1842
- Deed to Cyril Call, 3 January 1844
- Deed to Ebenezer Robinson, 2 February 1842
- Deed to Ebenezer Robinson, 26 April 1842
- Deed to Elias Harmer, 3 June 1842
- Deed to Elizabeth Ann Smith Whitney, 22 April 1843
- Deed to Ephraim Potter, 30 March 1842
- Deed to Ephraim Potter, 30 March 1842, as Recorded in Nauvoo Registry of Deeds
- Deed to Ezra Chase, 14 January 1842
- Deed to Ezra Chase, 14 January 1842, as Recorded in Nauvoo Registry of Deeds
- Deed to Ezra Chase, 14 January 1842, as Recorded in Hancock County Deeds
- Deed to George J. Taylor and Others, 28 April 1842
- Deed to George J. Taylor and Others, 28 April 1842, as Recorded in Nauvoo Registry of Deeds
- Deed to George W. Harris, 30 April 1842
- Deed to Horace Eldredge, 30 January 1844
- Deed to Horace Eldredge, 30 January 1844, as Recorded in Nauvoo Registry of Deeds
- Deed to James Goff, 20 May 1844
- Deed to James Ivins, 27 April 1842
- Deed to Jane Frelick Gully, 20 May 1844
- Deed to Jesse Price, 28 April 1842
- Deed to John Bowen, 7 June 1842
- Deed to John Bowen, 7 June 1842, as Recorded in Nauvoo Registry of Deeds
- Deed to John Lytle, 18 January 1844
- Deed to John Scott, 5 February 1844
- Deed to Julia M. Smith and Others, 17 March 1842
- Deed to Julia M. Smith and Others, 17 March 1842, as Recorded in Hancock County Deeds
- Deed to Julius Guinard, 23 April 1842
- Deed to Martha McBride Knight, 2 February 1842
- Deed to Mercy Fielding Thompson, 28 April 1842
- Deed to Mercy Fielding Thompson, 28 April 1842, as Recorded in Nauvoo Registry of Deeds
- Deed to Philinda Merrick, 24 March 1842
- Deed to Robert Peirce, 28 February 1842
- Deed to Robert Peirce, 28 February 1842, in handwriting of Willard Richards
- Deed to Robert W. Bidwell, 28 April 1842
- Deed to Robert W. Bidwell, 28 April 1842, as Recorded in Hancock County Deeds
- Deed to Smith Tuttle, John Gillet, and Horace Hotchkiss, 7 July 1843
- Deed to Theodore Turley, 25 January 1844
- Deed to Thomas Moore, 29 January 1844
- Deed to Thomas Moore, 29 January 1844, as Recorded in Nauvoo Registry of Deeds
- Deed to Wilford Owen Woodruff and Phebe Amelia Woodruff, 28 April 1842
- Deed to Wilford Owen Woodruff and Phebe Amelia Woodruff, 28 April 1842, as Recorded in Nauvoo Registry of Deeds
- Deed to William H. Kimball and Others, 28 April 1842
- Deed to William Law, 24 January 1842
- Deed to William Marks, 1 April 1842–A
- Deed to William Marks, 1 April 1842–B
- Deed to William Symons, 24 March 1842
- Deed to William Symons, 24 March 1842, as Recorded in Nauvoo Registry of Deeds
- Deed to Wilson Law, 24 January 1842
- Deed to Wilson Law, 24 January 1842, as Recorded in Hancock County Deeds
- Deed to Winslow Farr, 3 January 1844
- Deed, JS and Emma Smith to JS as Trustee-in-Trust, 5 October 1841
- Deed, JS and Emma Smith to JS as Trustee-in-Trust, 5 October 1841, as Recorded in Hancock County Deeds
- Deposition, 26 February 1844 [ City of Nauvoo v. Bostwick ]
- Discourse, 1 May 1842, as Reported by Willard Richards
- Discourse, 10 June 1844, as Reported by Willard Richards
- Discourse, 10 March 1844, as Reported by Willard Richards
- Discourse, 11 February 1843
- Discourse, 11 June 1843–A, as Reported by Franklin D. Richards
- Discourse, 11 June 1843–A, as Reported by Willard Richards
- Discourse, 13 April 1843, as Reported by Willard Richards
- Discourse, 13 August 1843–A, as Reported by Willard Richards
- Discourse, 13 August 1843–B, as Reported by Willard Richards
- Discourse, 14 September 1843, as Reported by Willard Richards
- Discourse, 15 October 1843, as Reported by Willard Richards
- Discourse, 16 April 1843, as Reported by Willard Richards
- Discourse, 16 July 1843, as Reported by William Clayton
- Discourse, 16 June 1844–B, as Reported by Willard Richards
- Discourse, 17 January 1843, as Reported by Wilford Woodruff
- Discourse, 17 September 1843, as Reported by Willard Richards
- Discourse, 2 July 1839, as Reported by Willard Richards
- Discourse, 2 July 1839, as Reported by Wilford Woodruff–A
- Discourse, 21 February 1843, as Reported by Willard Richards
- Discourse, 21 May 1843, as Reported by Levi Richards
- Discourse, 21 May 1843, as Reported by Willard Richards
- Discourse, 22 January 1843, as Reported by Franklin D. Richards
- Discourse, 22 January 1843, as Reported by Wilford Woodruff
- Discourse, 23 July 1843, as Reported by Willard Richards
- Discourse, 24 March 1844–A, as Reported by Willard Richards
- Discourse, 25 February 1843
- Discourse, 26 December 1841, as Reported by Willard Richards
- Discourse, 27 August 1843, as Reported by Willard Richards
- Discourse, 27 June 1839, as Reported by Willard Richards
- Discourse, 27 June 1839, as Reported by Wilford Woodruff–A
- Discourse, 27 March 1842
- Discourse, 29 December 1843
- Discourse, 29 January 1843, as Reported by Willard Richards–A
- Discourse, 29 October 1842
- Discourse, 30 January 1842
- Discourse, 30 June 1843, as Reported by Willard Richards
- Discourse, 3 October 1841, as Reported by Willard Richards
- Discourse, 4 July 1843, as Reported by Willard Richards
- Discourse, 5 January 1841, as Reported by William P. McIntire
- Discourse, 6 April 1843–A, as Reported by Willard Richards
- Discourse, 6 April 1843–B, as Reported by Willard Richards
- Discourse, 6 August 1843, as Reported by Willard Richards
- Discourse, 6 May 1843, as Reported by Willard Richards
- Discourse, 7 April 1844, as Reported by Willard Richards
- Discourse, 7 March 1844–A, as Reported by Willard Richards
- Discourse, 7 March 1844–B, as Reported by Willard Richards
- Discourse, 7 November 1841, as Reported by Wilford Woodruff
- Discourse, 8 April 1843, as Reported by Willard Richards
- Discourse, 8 April 1843, as Reported by William Clayton
- Discourse, 8 April 1844, as Reported by Willard Richards
- Discourse, 9 July 1843
- Discourse, 9 October 1843, as Reported by Willard Richards
- Discourse, between 11 June and 23 July 1843
- Discourse, between circa 26 June and circa 2 July 1839, as Reported by Willard Richards
- Discourse, between circa 26 June and circa 2 July 1839, as Reported by Wilford Woodruff
- Discourse, between circa 26 June and circa 4 August 1839–A, as Reported by Willard Richards
- Discourse, between circa 26 June and circa 4 August 1839–B, as Reported by Willard Richards
- Discourse, between circa 26 June and circa 4 August 1839–C, as Reported by Willard Richards
- Docket Entry, 1 April 1844 [ City of Nauvoo v. C. L. Higbee–B ]
- Docket Entry, 10–circa 17 October 1843 [ State of Illinois v. Drown on Habeas Corpus ]
- Docket Entry, 12 May 1844 [ F. M. Higbee v. JS–A on Habeas Corpus ]
- Docket Entry, 12–circa 13 April 1844 [ State of Illinois v. Colton on Habeas Corpus ]
- Docket Entry, 15–circa 16 January 1844 [ City of Nauvoo v. F. M. Higbee ]
- Docket Entry, 18–31 May 1844 [ United States v. Jeremiah Smith on Habeas Corpus–A ]
- Docket Entry, 1–ca. 6 April 1843 [M. F. Thompson v. F. Dixon and E. Dixon]
- Docket Entry, 2 May–circa 3 June 1844 [ City of Nauvoo v. A. Spencer ]
- Docket Entry, 2 May–circa 3 June 1844 [ City of Nauvoo v. C. A. Foster ]
- Docket Entry, 2 May–circa 3 June 1844 [ City of Nauvoo v. C. L. Higbee ]
- Docket Entry, 23–circa 24 November 1843 [ State of Illinois v. Finch on Habeas Corpus ]
- Docket Entry, 2–circa 3 April 1844 [ State of Illinois v. Greene et al. on Habeas Corpus ]
- Docket Entry, 30–31 May 1844 [ United States v. Jeremiah Smith on Habeas Corpus–B ]
- Docket Entry, 4–circa 26 April 1843 [ State of Illinois v. J. Hoopes and L. Hoopes on Habeas Corpus ]
- Docket Entry, Copy, 16 October 1844 [ City of Nauvoo v. R. D. Foster–A ]
- Docket Entry, Motion Overruled and Discharge, 5 January 1843 [ Extradition of JS for Accessory to Assault ]
- Docket Entry, Motion, 4 January 1843 [ Extradition of JS for Accessory to Assault ]
- Docket Entry, between 31 March and circa 19 April 1843 [ Dana v. Brink ]
- Docket Entry, circa 10 March 1842 [ City of Nauvoo v. Davis for Slander of JS–A ]
- Docket Entry, circa 12 June 1844 [ State of Illinois v. JS for Riot on Habeas Corpus ]
- Docket Entry, circa 13 June 1844 [ State of Illinois v. H. Smith et al. on Habeas Corpus ]
- Docket Entry, circa 3 June 1844 [ City of Nauvoo v. R. D. Foster–A ]
- Doctrine and Covenants, 1844
- Draft Notes, 29 June–1 July 1844
- Editorial, circa 1 March 1842, Draft
- Execution, 13 June 1844 [ State of Illinois v. H. Smith et al. on Habeas Corpus ]
- Execution, 13 June 1844 [ State of Illinois v. JS for Riot on Habeas Corpus ]
- Execution, 15 December 1843 [ State of Illinois v. Finch on Habeas Corpus ]
- Execution, 15 January 1844 [ State of Illinois v. Drown on Habeas Corpus ]
- Execution, 2 October 1843 [ Dana v. Brink ]
- Execution, 30 May 1844 [ United States v. Jeremiah Smith on Habeas Corpus–A ]
- Execution, 4 June 1844 [ F. M. Higbee v. JS–A on Habeas Corpus ]
- Execution, 4 June 1844 [ State of Illinois v. Colton on Habeas Corpus ]
- Execution, 7 May 1844 [ State of Illinois v. Drown on Habeas Corpus ]
- Execution, 7 May 1844 [ State of Illinois v. Greene et al. on Habeas Corpus ]
- Explanation of Facsimile 2, circa 15 March 1842
- Fee Bill, 7 May 1844 [ State of Illinois v. J. Hoopes and L. Hoopes on Habeas Corpus ]
- George Pitkin, Testimony, 1 July 1843 [ Extradition of JS for Treason ]
- Habeas Corpus, 10 October 1843 [ State of Illinois v. Drown on Habeas Corpus ]
- Habeas Corpus, 10 October 1843, Copy [ State of Illinois v. Drown on Habeas Corpus ]
- Habeas Corpus, 12 April 1844 [ State of Illinois v. Colton on Habeas Corpus ]
- Habeas Corpus, 12 April 1844, Copy [ State of Illinois v. Colton on Habeas Corpus ]
- Habeas Corpus, 12 June 1844 [ State of Illinois v. JS for Riot on Habeas Corpus ]
- Habeas Corpus, 13 June 1844 [ State of Illinois v. H. Smith et al. on Habeas Corpus ]
- Habeas Corpus, 13 June 1844, Copy [ State of Illinois v. H. Smith et al. on Habeas Corpus ]
- Habeas Corpus, 16 May 1844 [ United States v. Jeremiah Smith on Habeas Corpus–A ]
- Habeas Corpus, 16 May 1844, Copy [ United States v. Jeremiah Smith on Habeas Corpus–A ]
- Habeas Corpus, 2 April 1844 [ State of Illinois v. Greene et al. on Habeas Corpus ]
- Habeas Corpus, 2 April 1844, Copy [ State of Illinois v. Greene et al. on Habeas Corpus ]
- Habeas Corpus, 23 November 1843 [ State of Illinois v. Finch on Habeas Corpus ]
- Habeas Corpus, 23 November 1843, Copy [ State of Illinois v. Finch on Habeas Corpus ]
- Habeas Corpus, 30 May 1844 [ United States v. Jeremiah Smith on Habeas Corpus–B ]
- Habeas Corpus, 31 December 1842, Willard Richards Copy [ Extradition of JS for Accessory to Assault ]
- Habeas Corpus, 6 May 1844 [ F. M. Higbee v. JS–A on Habeas Corpus ]
- Habeas Corpus, 6 May 1844, Copy [ F. M. Higbee v. JS–A on Habeas Corpus ]
- Historian’s Office, Martyrdom Account
- Historian’s Office, Martyrdom Account, Draft
- History Draft [1 January–21 June 1844]
- History Draft [1 January–30 June 1842]
- History Draft [1 January–31 December 1841]
- History Draft [1 March–31 December 1843]
- History Draft [1 January–3 March 1843]
- History Draft [1 July–31 December 1842]
- History Draft [21 June–8 August 1844]
- History, 1834–1836
- History, 1838–1856, volume B-1 [1 September 1834–2 November 1838]
- History, 1838–1856, volume C-1 Addenda
- History, 1838–1856, volume D-1 [1 August 1842–1 July 1843]
- History, 1838–1856, volume E-1 [1 July 1843–30 April 1844]
- History, 1838–1856, volume F-1 [1 May 1844–8 August 1844]
- History, circa 1841, draft [Draft 3]
- History, circa June 1839–circa 1841 [Draft 2]
- Hyrum Smith, Testimony, 1 July 1843 [ Extradition of JS for Treason ]
- Index to Nauvoo City Council Minute Book–A
- Index to Nauvoo City Council Minute Book–B
- Instruction, 2 April 1843, as Reported by Willard Richards [D&C 130]
- Instruction, 2 April 1843, as Reported by William Clayton [D&C 130]
- Instruction, 9 February 1843 [D&C 129], as Reported by Willard Richards
- Introduction to City of Nauvoo v. Eastin
- Introduction to City of Nauvoo v. Withers
- Introduction to City of Nauvoo v. A. Spencer
- Introduction to City of Nauvoo v. C. L. Higbee et al.
- Introduction to City of Nauvoo v. F. M. Higbee, F. M. Higbee v. JS–A, F. M. Higbee v. JS–A on Habeas Corpus, and F. M. Higbee v. JS–B
- Introduction to City of Nauvoo v. R. D. Foster–B, City of Nauvoo v. R. D. Foster–C, and State of Illinois v. R. D. Foster
- Introduction to Commercial Bank of Lake Erie v. Cahoon et al.
- Introduction to E. Smith Administratrix of the Estate of JS
- Introduction to Extradition of JS for Accessory to Assault
- Introduction to Extradition of JS for Treason
- Introduction to Phelps, Assignee of JS v. Wilson Law
- Introduction to Scribner v. Rigdon, Smith & Cowdery
- Introduction to State of Illinois v. Colton and State of Illinois v. Colton on Habeas Corpus
- Introduction to State of Illinois v. Drown and State of Illinois v. Drown on Habeas Corpus
- Introduction to State of Illinois v. Elliott–A and State of Illinois v. Elliott–B
- Introduction to State of Illinois v. Finch, State of Illinois v. Finch on Habeas Corpus, and Davis v. JS et al.
- Introduction to State of Illinois v. Greene et al. and State of Illinois v. Greene et al. on Habeas Corpus
- Introduction to State of Illinois v. JS and H. Smith for Treason
- Introduction to State of Illinois v. JS et al. for Riot–A, State of Illinois v. JS for Riot on Habeas Corpus, State of Illinois v. H. Smith et al. on Habeas Corpus, and State of Illinois v. JS et al. for Riot–B
- Introduction to State of Illinois v. Olney
- Introduction to State of Illinois v. Williams et al. and State of Illinois v. Elliott–C
- Introduction to United States v. Jeremiah Smith, United States v. Jeremiah Smith on Habeas Corpus–A, and United States v. Jeremiah Smith on Habeas Corpus–B
- Introduction to Book of Abraham Manuscripts, circa February–circa 15 March 1842
- Introduction to Book of Abraham Manuscripts, circa July–circa November 1835
- Introduction to Joseph Smith’s Bankruptcy
- Introduction to Joseph Smith’s Nauvoo Store
- Introduction to Kirtland Mercantile Firms
- Introduction to the Book of the Law of the Lord
- Introduction to the Trustee Records
- Inventory of Property, circa 14–16 April 1842
- Invitation to Nauvoo Legion Officers and Wives, 28 April 1842
- Invitation to Wilson and Elizabeth Sikes Law, 11 January 1843
- John Kelly, Answer, 22 November 1850 [ United States v. Joseph Smith III et al. ]
- John Taylor, Martyrdom Account
- Joseph Smith’s Store Daybook A, January–July 1842
- Journal, 1839
- Journal, December 1842–June 1844; Book 1, 21 December 1842–10 March 1843
- Journal, December 1841–December 1842
- Journal, December 1842–June 1844; Book 2, 10 March 1843–14 July 1843
- Journal, December 1842–June 1844; Book 3, 15 July 1843–29 February 1844
- Journal, December 1842–June 1844; Book 4, 1 March–22 June 1844
- Journal, March–September 1838
- Lease to David S. Hollister, 2 December 1843
- Lease to John Taylor and Wilford Woodruff, between 8 and 10 December 1842
- Lease to Lewis Hyde and Robert Ellison, 16 April 1842
- Lease to Willard Richards, 4 January 1842
- Letter and Bill from Willard Richards, circa 11 January 1845
- Letter from Abraham C. Hodge and Springfield, Illinois, Branch, 25 January 1842
- Letter from Abraham Jonas, 21 March 1843
- Letter from Adolphus Allen, 13 July 1841
- Letter from Almon Babbitt, 19 October 1841
- Letter from Almon Babbitt, 5 May 1844
- Letter from Austin Cowles, 13 March 1843
- Letter from B. F. Withers, 28 December 1841
- Letter from Benjamin Winchester, 18 September 1841
- Letter from Brigham Young and Willard Richards, 5 September 1840
- Letter from Brigham Young, 7 May 1840
- Letter from Calvin A. Warren, circa 23 June 1842
- Letter from Calvin A. Warren, 31 August 1841
- Letter from Clark Leal, 19 May 1842
- Letter from Clyde, Williams & Co., circa 15 July 1843
- Letter from David Orr, 14 June 1843
- Letter from Edward Hunter, 10 February 1842
- Letter from Edward Hunter, 27 October 1841
- Letter from Edward Johnstone, 23 June 1844
- Letter from Edward Southwick, 29 July 1843
- Letter from Edward Southwick, 7 August 1843
- Letter from Eli Maginn, 1 and 3 May 1842
- Letter from Erastus Snow, 11 April 1842
- Letter from Erastus Snow, 22 June 1842
- Letter from Fields Jarvis, 6 February 1843
- Letter from Frederick Taylor, 30 January 1843
- Letter from Garret Bias, 3 April 1843
- Letter from Garret Bias, 7 March 1843
- Letter from George Boosinger, 9 April 1842
- Letter from George Gee, 30 December 1841
- Letter from George J. Adams, 21 April 1842
- Letter from George J. Adams, 23 February 1843
- Letter from George W. Robinson, 26 April 1843
- Letter from Halsey Cook, 20 March 1843
- Letter from Heber C. Kimball and Orson Hyde, between 22 and 28 May 1838
- Letter from Heber C. Kimball, 9 July 1840
- Letter from Henry Q. Jennison, 18 August 1841
- Letter from Hiram Barney, 24 January 1842
- Letter from Hiram Clark and Others, 21 October 1842
- Letter from Horace Hotchkiss, 13 September 1841
- Letter from Horace Hotchkiss, 19 December 1842
- Letter from Horace Hotchkiss, 24 July 1841
- Letter from Horace Hotchkiss, 27 September 1843
- Letter from Horace Hotchkiss, 30 December 1841
- Letter from Horace Hotchkiss, 7 April 1843
- Letter from Horace Hotchkiss, 7 February 1842
- Letter from Horace Hotchkiss, 9 May 1842
- Letter from Isaac Galland, 11 March 1843
- Letter from Isaac Galland, 18 January 1842
- Letter from Isaac Morley, 16 June 1844
- Letter from Isaac Stathem, 10 May 1843
- Letter from James Adams, 14 March 1843
- Letter from James Adams, 17 December 1842
- Letter from James Arlington Bennet, 1 September 1842
- Letter from James Arlington Bennet, 10 April 1843
- Letter from James Arlington Bennet, 16 August 1842
- Letter from James Arlington Bennet, 20 February 1843
- Letter from James Arlington Bennet, 24 October 1843
- Letter from James B. Nicholson, 25 January 1842
- Letter from James Toner, 4 December 1842
- Letter from Joel and Joseph Johnson, circa 13 May 1842
- Letter from John C. Calhoun, 2 December 1843
- Letter from John Cleminson, between 1 and 15 May 1842
- Letter from John E. Page, 2 May 1843
- Letter from John M. Bernhisel, 1 October 1842
- Letter from John M. Bernhisel, 8 March 1843
- Letter from John McKee, 7 March 1843
- Letter from John P. Greene, 18 March 1843
- Letter from John R. Wakefield, circa 24 June 1844
- Letter from John Taylor, 3 February 1841
- Letter from John V. Curtis, 27 November 1843
- Letter from John W. Latson, 7 January 1842
- Letter from John E. Page, 1 September 1841
- Letter from John M. Bernhisel, 12 July 1841
- Letter from Joseph L. Heywood, 23 October 1843
- Letter from Joseph Wood, 14 March 1843
- Letter from Justin Butterfield, 17 December 1842
- Letter from Justin Butterfield, 27 March 1843
- Letter from Lester Brooks and Others, 16 November 1841
- Letter from Lewis Cass, 9 December 1843
- Letter from Luther Hickok, 6 June 1844
- Letter from Lyman Wight and Others, 15 February 1844–A
- Letter from Lyman Wight and Others, 15 February 1844–B
- Letter from Martha Campbell, 19 December 1843
- Letter from Mason Brayman, 29 July 1843
- Letter from Miner R. Deming, 26 June 1844
- Letter from Moses Martin, 7 November 1841
- Letter from Orson Hyde, 17 April 1841
- Letter from Parley P. Pratt, 19 April 1844
- Letter from Parley P. Pratt, 2 September 1842
- Letter from Parley P. Pratt, 4 December 1841
- Letter from Parley P. Pratt, between 23 and 27 September 1842
- Letter from Parley P. Pratt, 24 October 1841
- Letter from Reuben Hedlock, 10–21 January 1844
- Letter from Reuben Hedlock, 4 October 1843
- Letter from Reuben McBride, 3 January 1842
- Letter from Richard Hewitt, 24 May 1840
- Letter from Robert D. Foster, circa 7 June 1844
- Letter from Robert D. and Sarah Phinney Foster, circa 16 August 1842
- Letter from Roelef Wyckoff, 25 February 1844
- Letter from Seth Richards, 31 January 1842
- Letter from Shepherd Patrick, 11 August 1843
- Letter from Sidney Rigdon, 1 July 1842
- Letter from Sidney Rigdon, 27 March 1843
- Letter from Sidney Rigdon, circa 13 February 1843
- Letter from Sybella McMinn Armstrong and Orrin Porter Rockwell, 1 December 1842
- Letter from Sybella McMinn Armstrong, 1 May 1843
- Letter from Sylvester Emmons, 21 June 1844
- Letter from Thomas Ford, 12 December 1843
- Letter from Thomas Ford, 13 September 1843
- Letter from Thomas Ford, 17 December 1842
- Letter from Thomas Ford, 22 June 1844
- Letter from Thomas Rawcliff, 24 May 1843
- Letter from Thomas Ward and Hiram Clark, 1 March 1843
- Letter from Thomas Ward and Hiram Clark, 16 March 1843
- Letter from Willard Richards, 9 August 1842
- Letter from Willard Richards, between 12 August 1843 and circa January 1844
- Letter from William Clayton, 26 June 1844
- Letter from William Smith, 18 December 1835
- Letter from the Quorum of the Twelve Apostles, 28 March 1836
- Letter of Introduction from J. C. Wear for William K. Wear, 12 January 1842
- Letter to Abraham Jonas, 25 March 1843
- Letter to Brigham Young, 17 and 20 June 1844
- Letter to Church Leaders in Kirtland, Ohio, 15 December 1841
- Letter to Editor, 1 April 1843
- Letter to Editor, 1 April 1843, Initial Draft
- Letter to Editor, 1 April 1843, Second Draft
- Letter to Editor, 15 April 1843
- Letter to Editor, 15 April 1843, Initial Draft
- Letter to Editor, 15 April 1843, Second Draft
- Letter to Editor, 17 July 1843
- Letter to Editor, 17 July 1843, Draft
- Letter to Editor, 17 July 1843, as Published in Nauvoo Neighbor
- Letter to Editor, 17 March 1843
- Letter to Editor, 17 March 1843, Draft
- Letter to Editor, 17 March 1843, Partial Draft
- Letter to Editor, 18 August 1843, Draft
- Letter to Editor, 22–circa 27 April 1843
- Letter to Editor, 22–circa 27 April 1843, Copy of Initial Draft
- Letter to Editor, 22–circa 27 April 1843, Final Draft
- Letter to Editor, 22–circa 27 April 1843, Initial Draft
- Letter to Editor, 22–circa 27 April 1843, Second Draft
- Letter to Editor, 23 January 1843
- Letter to Editor, 24 March 1843
- Letter to Editor, 24 March 1843, Draft
- Letter to Editor, 24 March 1843, as Published in Times and Seasons
- Letter to Editor, 8 April 1843
- Letter to Editor, 8 April 1843, Initial Draft
- Letter to Editor, 8 April 1843, Second Draft
- Letter to Editor, circa 20 May 1843
- Letter to Editor, circa February 1843
- Letter to Edward Hunter, 21 December 1841
- Letter to Edward Hunter, 26 January 1842
- Letter to Edward Hunter, 5 January 1842
- Letter to Edward Hunter, 9 and 11 March 1842
- Letter to Edward Johnstone, 23 June 1844
- Letter to Emma Smith, 6 June 1832
- Letter to Emma Smith and the Relief Society, 31 March 1842
- Letter to Emma Smith, 13 October 1832
- Letter to Emma Smith, 19 August 1836
- Letter to Emma Smith, 23 June 1844
- Letter to Emma Smith, 25 June 1844
- Letter to Emma Smith, 27 June 1844
- Letter to Garret Bias, 28 March 1843
- Letter to George Boosinger, 24 February 1842
- Letter to Heber C. Kimball and Brigham Young, 16 January 1839
- Letter to Henry T. Hugins, 18 June 1844
- Letter to Henry T. Hugins, 23 June 1844
- Letter to Hiram Barney, 3 March 1842
- Letter to Horace Hotchkiss, 10 March 1842
- Letter to Horace Hotchkiss, 12 October 1843
- Letter to Horace Hotchkiss, 13 May 1842
- Letter to Isaac Galland, 11 September 1839
- Letter to Isaac Galland, 17 January 1842
- Letter to Isaac Galland, 19 January 1842
- Letter to Isaac Morley, 16 June 1844
- Letter to James Arlington Bennet, 13 November 1843
- Letter to James Arlington Bennet, 17–18 March 1843
- Letter to James Arlington Bennet, 17–18 March 1843, Draft
- Letter to James Arlington Bennet, 30 June 1842
- Letter to James Arlington Bennet, 8 September 1842
- Letter to James Sloan, 17 May 1842
- Letter to James W. Woods and Hugh T. Reid, 26 June 1844
- Letter to Jennetta Richards Richards, 23 June 1842
- Letter to Jesse B. Thomas, 26 June 1844–A
- Letter to Jesse B. Thomas, 27 November 1843
- Letter to John C. Bennett, 8 August 1840
- Letter to John C. Calhoun, 4 November 1843
- Letter to John M. Bernhisel, 4 January 1842
- Letter to John M. Bernhisel, 7 September 1842
- Letter to John McKee, 28 March 1843
- Letter to John R. Wakefield, 23 June 1844
- Letter to John Thornton and Others, 25 June 1834
- Letter to John M. Bernhisel, 3 August 1841
- Letter to Justin Butterfield, 16 January 1843
- Letter to Justin Butterfield, 18 March 1843
- Letter to Oliver Cowdery, circa 9 April 1836
- Letter to Oliver Granger, between circa 22 and circa 28 July 1840
- Letter to Orson Hyde and Orson Pratt, 13 May 1844
- Letter to Orson Hyde, 25 May 1844
- Letter to Orville Browning, 27 June 1844
- Letter to Presidential Candidates, 4 November 1843, Draft
- Letter to Quorum of the Twelve, 15 December 1840
- Letter to Richard Ballantyne and Peter Slater, 20 June 1844
- Letter to Richard Blennerhassett, 17 March 1843
- Letter to Richard M. Young, 9 February 1843
- Letter to Robert D. Foster, 11 March 1840
- Letter to Sidney Rigdon, 27 March 1843
- Letter to Thomas Carlin, 24 June 1842
- Letter to Thomas Ford, 14 June 1844
- Letter to Thomas Ford, 16 June 1844
- Letter to Thomas Ford, 16 October 1843
- Letter to Thomas Ford, 20 September 1843
- Letter to Thomas Ford, 21 August 1843
- Letter to Thomas Ford, 22–23 June 1844
- Letter to Thomas Ford, 23 June 1844
- Letter to Thomas Ford, 24 June 1844
- Letter to Thomas Ford, 26 June 1844
- Letter to Washington Tucker, 12 June 1844
- Letter to William Smith, circa 18 December 1835
- Letter to the Church and Others, 23 June 1842
- Letter to the Church and Others, 23 June 1842, as Published in Times and Seasons
- Letter to the Church, 7 September 1842 [D&C 128]
- Letter, Francis M. Higbee to Willard Richards, 1 July 1844
- Letter, George Walker to William Clayton, 3 January 1844
- Letter, James Arlington Bennet to Willard Richards, 24 October 1842
- Letter, John Chambers to John Cowan, 10 March 1843
- Letter, John M. Bernhisel to Thomas Ford, 14 June 1844
- Letter, John Pickels to William Clayton, 10 July 1843
- Letter, John R. Wakefield to Thomas Ford, 14 June 1844
- Letter, John Whitmer to William W. Phelps, 8 January 1844
- Letter, Joseph H. Reynolds to Newel K. Whitney, 7 April 1843
- Letter, Justin Butterfield to Charles B. Penrose, 17 December 1842
- Letter, Nauvoo City Council to Abraham Jonas and Hart Fellowes, circa 1 July 1844
- Letter, Nauvoo City Council to Abraham Jonas and Hart Fellowes, circa 1 July 1844, as Published in Nauvoo Neighbor
- Letter, Reuben McBride to William Marks, 4 June 1843
- Letter, Richard Ballantyne to Samuel Smith, 3 July 1844
- Letter, Robert D. Foster to John Proctor, 20 June 1844
- Letter, Robert D. Foster to John Proctor, 20 June 1844, John McEwan Copy
- Letter, Robert D. Foster to Nauvoo City Council, 8 July 1844
- Letter, Thomas Bullock to William Clayton, 17 December 1844
- Letter, Willard Richards to James Arlington Bennet, 19 March 1843
- Letter, Willard Richards to James Arlington Bennet, 20 November and 22 December 1842
- Letter, William A. Richardson and Others to Willard Richards and the People of Nauvoo, 1 July 1844
- Letter, William A. Richardson to Willard Richards, 1 July 1844
- Letter, William Ewing to John Bills, circa 30 November 1843
- Letter, William W. Phelps and Willard Richards to Thomas Ford, 4 July 1844, John McEwan First Copy
- Letter, William W. Phelps and Willard Richards to Thomas Ford, 4 July 1844, John McEwan Second Copy
- Letterbook 2
- Letters from Hugh T. Reid and James W. Woods, 24 June 1844
- License Record Book
- License for Charles Jameson, 29 August 1843
- License for Moses S. Emett, 15 October 1843
- License for Nathan Davis, 8 January 1844
- License for William Austin, 20 May 1844
- List of Members, Council of Fifty, May 1844
- List of Members, Council of Fifty, probably between 25 April and 3 May 1844
- List of Witnesses, 26 June 1844 [ State of Illinois v. JS and H. Smith for Treason ]
- Location of the Twelve Apostles, circa 20 June 1844
- Lucy Mack Smith, History, 1845
- Lyman Wight, Testimony, 1 July 1843 [ Extradition of JS for Treason ]
- Marriage Certificate for George Washington Springer and Hannah Drury, between 8 and 13 March 1845
- Marriage Certificate for Henry Pearmain and Phebe Matteson, 18 December 1843
- Marriage Certificate for Matthias Bovee and Sarah Esther Mecom, between 30 December 1844 and 9 January 1845
- Marriage Certificate for William Stringham and Jemima Angell Young, between 17 and 25 July 1844
- Marriage License and Certificate for John P. Greene and Mary E. Nelson, 5 and 9 December 1841
- Mayor’s Order to Henry G. Sherwood, 8 December 1843
- Mayor’s Order to John P. Greene, 17 June 1844
- Mayor’s Order to John P. Greene, 17 June 1844, Willard Richards First Copy
- Mayor’s Order to John P. Greene, 17 June 1844, Willard Richards Second Copy
- Memorandum of Deeds, 3 March 1842
- Memorandum of Notes, 2 March 1842
- Memorandum, 20 June 1844
- Memorandum, 2 October 1841
- Memorial to the United States Senate and House of Representatives, 28 November 1843
- Memorial to the United States Senate and House of Representatives, 28 November 1843, Willard Richards Copy
- Memorial to the United States Senate and House of Representatives, circa 16 December 1843–12 February 1844, Draft
- Memorial to the United States Senate and House of Representatives, circa 16 December 1843–12 February 1844, Thomas Bullock First Copy
- Memorial to the United States Senate and House of Representatives, circa 16 December 1843–12 February 1844
- Military Order to Albert P. Rockwood, 17 June 1844
- Military Order to Hugh McFall, 16 June 1844
- Military Order to Jonathan Dunham, 10 June 1844
- Military Order to Jonathan Dunham, 17 June 1844–A
- Military Order to Jonathan Dunham, 17 June 1844–A, Willard Richards Copy
- Military Order to Jonathan Dunham, 17 June 1844–B
- Military Order to Jonathan Dunham, 17 June 1844–B, Willard Richards Copy
- Military Order to Jonathan Dunham, 22 June 1844
- Military Order to Wilson Law, 18 December 1843–A
- Military Order to Wilson Law, 18 December 1843–B
- Minute Book 2
- Minute Entry, 29 December 1843
- Minute Entry, 29 December 1843, as Published in Nauvoo Neighbor
- Minutes and Discourse, 18 April 1844
- Minutes and Discourse, 19 February 1843
- Minutes and Discourse, 28 April 1842
- Minutes and Discourse, 29 December 1843
- Minutes and Discourse, 4 April 1844
- Minutes and Discourse, 6 March 1840
- Minutes and Discourses, 11 April 1844
- Minutes and Discourses, 17 March 1842
- Minutes and Discourses, 6 May 1844
- Minutes and Discourses, 6–7 April 1843, as Reported by William Clayton
- Minutes and Discourses, 6–7 April 1843, as Reported by Willard Richards
- Minutes and Discourses, 6–7 April 1844, as Published in Times and Seasons
- Minutes and Discourses, 6–8 April 1842
- Minutes and Discourses, 6–8 April 1844, as Reported by Thomas Bullock
- Minutes from Mascoutah, Illinois, Conference, 21 February 1843
- Minutes, 1 July 1844
- Minutes, 1 July 1844, Draft
- Minutes, 1 July 1844, as Reported by Thomas Bullock
- Minutes, 1 July 1844, as Reported by Thomas Bullock, Draft
- Minutes, 1 November 1841
- Minutes, 10 August 1844
- Minutes, 10 February 1843
- Minutes, 10 February 1844
- Minutes, 10 January 1844
- Minutes, 10 June 1844
- Minutes, 10 June 1844, Extract, as Published in Nauvoo Neighbor
- Minutes, 10 March 1842 [ City of Nauvoo v. Davis for Slander of JS–A ]
- Minutes, 10 March 1844
- Minutes, 11 January 1845
- Minutes, 11 January 1845, Extract, as Published in Nauvoo Neighbor
- Minutes, 11 March 1844
- Minutes, 11 May 1844
- Minutes, 11 November 1843
- Minutes, 12 August 1843
- Minutes, 12 December 1843
- Minutes, 12 February 1844
- Minutes, 12 February 1844, Copy
- Minutes, 12 February 1844, Extract, as Published in Nauvoo Neighbor
- Minutes, 12 June 1844 [ State of Illinois v. JS for Riot on Habeas Corpus ]
- Minutes, 12 October 1844, Draft
- Minutes, 13 April 1844
- Minutes, 13 April 1844 [ State of Illinois v. Colton on Habeas Corpus ]
- Minutes, 13 January 1844
- Minutes, 13 January 1845
- Minutes, 13 July 1844
- Minutes, 13 May 1844
- Minutes, 13 November 1841
- Minutes, 13 November 1841, Copy
- Minutes, 14 December 1844
- Minutes, 14 December 1844, Extract, as Published in Nauvoo Neighbor
- Minutes, 14 May 1842
- Minutes, 14 October 1843
- Minutes, 14 September 1844
- Minutes, 15 January 1842
- Minutes, 16 December 1843
- Minutes, 16 December 1843, Extract
- Minutes, 16 January 1844
- Minutes, 16 May 1844 [ United States v. Jeremiah Smith on Habeas Corpus–A ]
- Minutes, 16 August 1841
- Minutes, 17–18 February 1842
- Minutes, 18 December 1841
- Minutes, 18 December 1841, Extract, as Published in Times and Seasons
- Minutes, 18 September 1843
- Minutes, 19 April 1843
- Minutes, 19 March 1844
- Minutes, 19 May 1842
- Minutes, 19 May 1842, Partial Draft
- Minutes, 2 July 1844
- Minutes, 2 July 1844, Extract, as Published in Nauvoo Neighbor
- Minutes, 20 January 1843
- Minutes, 20 November 1841
- Minutes, 21 December 1843
- Minutes, 21 December 1843, Partial Draft
- Minutes, 21 June 1844
- Minutes, 21 March 1844
- Minutes, 22 January 1842
- Minutes, 22 January 1842, Extract, as Published in Times and Seasons
- Minutes, 23 May 1842
- Minutes, 25 April 1844
- Minutes, 25 May 1844
- Minutes, 26 March 1844
- Minutes, 27 May 1843
- Minutes, 27 October 1839
- Minutes, 29 April 1844
- Minutes, 29 April 1844, Extract, as Published in Nauvoo Neighbor
- Minutes, 29 December 1843, Partial Draft
- Minutes, 29 November 1843
- Minutes, 3 January 1844
- Minutes, 30 April 1843
- Minutes, 30 May 1844 [ United States v. Jeremiah Smith on Habeas Corpus–A ]
- Minutes, 30 October 1841
- Minutes, 30 October 1841, Copy
- Minutes, 4 December 1843
- Minutes, 5 April 1844
- Minutes, 5 January 1844
- Minutes, 5 March 1842
- Minutes, 5 March 1844
- Minutes, 6 June 1833
- Minutes, 6–8 May 1844 [ F. M. Higbee v. JS–A on Habeas Corpus ]
- Minutes, 7 April 1843, as Reported by Willard Richards
- Minutes, 7 April 1843, as Reported by William Clayton
- Minutes, 8 April 1843, as Reported by Willard Richards
- Minutes, 8 December 1843
- Minutes, 8 February 1845
- Minutes, 8 February 1845, Draft
- Minutes, 8 July 1844
- Minutes, 8 June 1844
- Minutes, 9 April 1843, as Reported by Willard Richards
- Minutes, 9 March 1844
- Minutes, 9 March 1844, Extract, as Published in Nauvoo Neighbor
- Minutes, 9 September 1843
- Miscellaneous Notes [21–23 June 1844]
- Miscellaneous Notes [25–28 June 1844, 1843]
- Mittimus, 11 April 1844 [ State of Illinois v. Colton ]
- Mittimus, 23 November 1843 [ State of Illinois v. Finch ]
- Mittimus, 26 June 1844 [ State of Illinois v. JS and H. Smith for Treason ]
- Mortgage to Mead, Stafford & Co., 11 July 1837
- Motion, 30 May 1844 [ United States v. Jeremiah Smith on Habeas Corpus–B ]
- Motion, circa 3 January 1843 [ Extradition of JS for Accessory to Assault ]
- Nauvoo City Council Minute Book, 1841–1845
- Nauvoo City Council Rough Minute Book, February 1844–January 1845
- Nauvoo City Council Rough Minute Book, February–December 1841
- Nauvoo City Council Rough Minute Book, February–March 1845
- Nauvoo City Council Rough Minute Book, January–November 1842
- Nauvoo City Council Rough Minute Book, November 1842–January 1844
- Nauvoo City Treasury Ledger
- Nauvoo Legion Minute Book, February 1841–October 1844
- Nauvoo Marriage Record, February 1842–January 1846
- Nauvoo Registry of Deeds, Deed Record Book A, 1840–1843
- Nauvoo Registry of Deeds, Deed Record Book B, 1843–1846
- Nauvoo Relief Society Minute Book
- Note from Thomas Ford, 26 June 1844
- Note from Willard Richards, 22 September 1843
- Note from Willard Richards, 30 January 1844
- Notice from James Sloan, 28 July 1843
- Notice from Willard Richards, 14 December 1844
- Notice of Appeal, 2 May 1844
- Notice, 11 May 1842
- Notice, 15 December 1841
- Notice, 6 May 1844 [ F. M. Higbee v. JS–A on Habeas Corpus ]
- Notice, 8 July 1842
- Notice, 9 July 1842
- Notice, circa 1 June 1842
- Notice, circa 1 March 1842–B
- Notice, circa 15 July 1842
- Notice, circa 19 May 1842
- Notification to Daniel Wood, 23 January 1842
- Oath from Willard Richards, 12 August 1843
- Oaths from Nauvoo City Officers, 30 October, 1 and 13 November 1841
- Ordinance, 1 March 1841–D, Thomas Bullock Copy
- Ordinance, 1 March 1841–E, Thomas Bullock Copy
- Ordinance, 10 August 1844–A
- Ordinance, 10 August 1844–A, as Published in Nauvoo Neighbor
- Ordinance, 10 August 1844–B
- Ordinance, 10 August 1844–B, as Published in Nauvoo Neighbor
- Ordinance, 10 June 1844
- Ordinance, 10 June 1844, as Published in Nauvoo Neighbor
- Ordinance, 11 January 1845–A
- Ordinance, 11 January 1845–A, as Published in Nauvoo Neighbor
- Ordinance, 11 January 1845–B
- Ordinance, 11 January 1845–B, as Published in Nauvoo Neighbor
- Ordinance, 11 January 1845–C
- Ordinance, 11 January 1845–C, as Published in Nauvoo Neighbor
- Ordinance, 11 January 1845–D
- Ordinance, 11 January 1845–D, as Published in Nauvoo Neighbor
- Ordinance, 11 January 1845–E
- Ordinance, 11 January 1845–E, as Published in Nauvoo Neighbor
- Ordinance, 11 January 1845–F
- Ordinance, 11 January 1845–F, as Published in Nauvoo Neighbor
- Ordinance, 11 January 1845–G
- Ordinance, 11 January 1845–G, as Published in Nauvoo Neighbor
- Ordinance, 12 August 1843
- Ordinance, 12 August 1843, as Published in Nauvoo Neighbor
- Ordinance, 12 December 1843–A
- Ordinance, 12 December 1843–A, as Published in Nauvoo Neighbor
- Ordinance, 12 December 1843–B
- Ordinance, 12 December 1843–B, Copy
- Ordinance, 12 December 1843–B, Draft
- Ordinance, 12 December 1843–B, as Published in Nauvoo Neighbor
- Ordinance, 12 December 1843–C
- Ordinance, 12 December 1843–C, Thomas Bullock Copy
- Ordinance, 12 December 1843–C, Willard Richards Copy
- Ordinance, 12 December 1843–C, as Published in Nauvoo Neighbor
- Ordinance, 12 February 1844–A
- Ordinance, 12 February 1844–A, as Published in Nauvoo Neighbor
- Ordinance, 12 February 1844–B
- Ordinance, 12 February 1844–B, Copy
- Ordinance, 12 February 1844–B, as Published in Nauvoo Neighbor
- Ordinance, 12 October 1844–A, as Published in Nauvoo Neighbor
- Ordinance, 14 December 1844–A
- Ordinance, 14 December 1844–A, as Published in Nauvoo Neighbor
- Ordinance, 14 December 1844–B
- Ordinance, 14 December 1844–B, as Published in Nauvoo Neighbor
- Ordinance, 14 December 1844–C
- Ordinance, 14 December 1844–C, as Published in Nauvoo Neighbor
- Ordinance, 14 September 1844
- Ordinance, 16 December 1843–A
- Ordinance, 16 December 1843–A, as Published in Nauvoo Neighbor –A
- Ordinance, 16 December 1843–A, as Published in Nauvoo Neighbor –B
- Ordinance, 16 December 1843–B
- Ordinance, 16 December 1843–B, as Published in Nauvoo Neighbor
- Ordinance, 16 January 1844–A
- Ordinance, 16 January 1844–A, as Published in Nauvoo Neighbor
- Ordinance, 16 January 1844–B
- Ordinance, 16 January 1844–B, as Published in Nauvoo Neighbor
- Ordinance, 16 January 1844–C
- Ordinance, 16 January 1844–C, as Published in Nauvoo Neighbor
- Ordinance, 17 February 1842, Copy
- Ordinance, 18 September 1843–A
- Ordinance, 18 September 1843–A, as Published in Nauvoo Neighbor
- Ordinance, 18 September 1843–B
- Ordinance, 18 September 1843–B, as Published in Nauvoo Neighbor –A
- Ordinance, 18 September 1843–B, as Published in Nauvoo Neighbor –B
- Ordinance, 21 December 1843
- Ordinance, 21 December 1843, Draft
- Ordinance, 21 December 1843, as Published in Nauvoo Neighbor –A
- Ordinance, 21 December 1843, as Published in Nauvoo Neighbor –B
- Ordinance, 8 December 1843–A
- Ordinance, 8 December 1843–A, Thomas Bullock First Copy
- Ordinance, 8 December 1843–A, Thomas Bullock Second Copy
- Ordinance, 8 December 1843–A, as Published in Nauvoo Neighbor –A
- Ordinance, 8 December 1843–A, as Published in Nauvoo Neighbor –B
- Ordinance, 8 December 1843–B
- Ordinance, 8 December 1843–B, Copy
- Ordinance, 8 December 1843–B, as Published in Nauvoo Neighbor –A
- Ordinance, 8 December 1843–B, as Published in Nauvoo Neighbor –B
- Ordinance, 8 February 1845–A
- Ordinance, 8 February 1845–B
- Ordinance, 8 June 1844
- Ordinance, 8 June 1844, as Published in Nauvoo Neighbor
- Ordinance, 9 November 1844–B
- Ordinance, 9 November 1844–B, as Published in Nauvoo Neighbor
- Ordinance, 9 November 1844–C
- Ordinance, 9 November 1844–C, as Published in Nauvoo Neighbor
- Pay Order to Nauvoo City Treasurer for Alanson Ripley, 19 May 1842
- Pay Order to Nauvoo City Treasurer for Henry G. Sherwood, 14 May 1842
- Pay Order to Nauvoo City Treasurer for John Lytle, 14 January 1844
- Pay Order to William Clayton for Willard Richards, 16 February 1844
- Pay Order, Daniel Spencer and Willard Richards to William Clayton for Orson Pratt and Others, 10 February 1845
- Pay Order, Daniel Spencer and Willard Richards to William Clayton for Orson Pratt and Others, 10 February 1845, Draft
- Pay Order, Daniel Spencer to William Clayton for Willard Richards, 10 August 1844
- Pay Order, James Sloan to John S. Fullmer for Nauvoo City Mayor, 6 January 1842
- Pay Order, Willard Richards to Nauvoo City Treasurer for Taylor & Woodruff, 11 November 1843
- Pay Order, Willard Richards to William Clayton for Albert P. Rockwood, 22 January 1845
- Pay Order, Willard Richards to William Clayton for Albert P. Rockwood, 3 February 1845
- Pay Order, Willard Richards to William Clayton for Benjamin Warrington, circa 12 August 1843
- Pay Order, Willard Richards to William Clayton for Elijah Fordham and Others, 15 December 1843
- Pay Order, Willard Richards to William Clayton for George Stiles, 20 July 1844
- Pay Order, Willard Richards to William Clayton for George W. Harris, 8 February 1845
- Pay Order, Willard Richards to William Clayton for Jonathan H. Hale, 1 February 1845
- Pay Order, Willard Richards to William Clayton for Joseph W. Coolidge, 10 June 1844
- Pay Order, Willard Richards to William Clayton for Richard Clark, 6 January 1845
- Pay Order, Willard Richards to William Clayton for Shadrach Roundy, 21 January 1844
- Pay Order, Willard Richards to William Clayton for Sidney Rigdon and William D. Huntington, circa 21 December 1843
- Pay Order, Willard Richards to William Clayton for Supervisor of Streets, 8 February 1845
- Pay Order, Willard Richards to William Clayton for Sylvester Emmons, 29 September 1843
- Pay Order, Willard Richards to William Clayton for Theodore Turley and John S. Higbee, 13 June 1844
- Pay Order, Willard Richards to William Clayton for Thomas Bullock, 12 February 1844
- Pay Order, Willard Richards to William Clayton for William W. Phelps, 29 September 1843
- Pay Order, Willard Richards to William Clayton for Henry G. Sherwood and Others, 21 January 1844
- Pay Order, Willard Richards to William Clayton for Hyrum Smith and Others, 10 December 1844
- Pay Order, Willard Richards to William Clayton for Hyrum Smith and Others, 15 February 1844
- Pay Order, Willard Richards to William Clayton for Hyrum Smith and Others, 4 December 1843
- Pay Order, Willard Richards to William Clayton for John P. Greene, circa 12 March 1844
- Pay Order, Willard Richards to William Clayton for John Taylor and Jonathan H. Hale, 12 March 1844
- Pay Order, Willard Richards to William Clayton for John Taylor, 4 December 1843
- Pay Order, Willard Richards to William Clayton for Orson Pratt, 13 February 1844
- Pay Order, Willard Richards to William Clayton to Nauvoo City Treasurer for Albert P. Rockwood, 16 May 1844
- Pay Order, William Clayton to Elijah Fordham for Pulaski Cahoon, 15 November 1843
- Pay Order, William Clayton to Nauvoo City Collector for Hyrum Smith and Others, 14 February 1845
- Pay Order, William Clayton to Nauvoo City Collector for Willard Richards, 1 March 1845
- Pay Order, William Clayton to Nauvoo City Collector for Willard Richards, 22 January 1845
- Pay Order, William Clayton to Nauvoo City Collector for Willard Richards, 24 May 1844
- Petition from Aaron Johnson, 18 December 1843
- Petition from Alanson Ripley and Others, 10 June 1844
- Petition from Benjamin Aber and Others, circa 8 February 1845
- Petition from Benjamin Warrington and Others, circa 29 December 1843
- Petition from Benjamin Warrington and Others, circa 8 June 1844
- Petition from Christopher Keegan, 29 April 1844
- Petition from Davis McOlney and Others, 8 August 1844
- Petition from Ebenezer Robinson and Aaron Johnson, 15 January 1844
- Petition from Edson Whipple and Others, 30 April 1844
- Petition from Elbridge Tufts and Others, circa 18 September 1843
- Petition from Elizabeth Taylor and Others, 22 April 1844
- Petition from George A. Smith and Daniel H. Wells, circa 8 February 1845
- Petition from George B. Wallace and Others and Letter from John E. Page, 30 October 1843
- Petition from George W. Crouse and Others, circa 9 March 1844
- Petition from Henry G. Sherwood and Others, 8 December 1843
- Petition from Hosea Stout and Others, 8 November 1844
- Petition from James B. Nicholson and Others, 22 April 1842
- Petition from James Hamilton and Others, circa 22 June 1844
- Petition from Jeremiah Hatch Jr. and Others, 29 February 1844
- Petition from John Barnett and Others, circa 9 March 1844
- Petition from John C. Annis, 9 August 1844
- Petition from John P. Herr and Others, 7 March 1844
- Petition from John Pack and Others, 28 February 1844
- Petition from John Taylor and Others, 8 March 1844
- Petition from Josiah Butterfield and Others, 1 May 1844
- Petition from Nauvoo Legion, 9 September 1843
- Petition from Reuben H. Loomis, 28 December 1843
- Petition from Robert L. Campbell and Others, 13 January 1844
- Petition from Rufus Beach and Others, 11 December 1843
- Petition from Temple Committee, 12 December 1843
- Petition from Thomas Moss, 7 February 1844
- Petition from Whitford G. Wilson and Others, April 1844
- Petition to Nauvoo Municipal Court, 12 June 1844 [ State of Illinois v. JS for Riot on Habeas Corpus ]
- Petition to Nauvoo Municipal Court, 6 May 1844 [ F. M. Higbee v. JS–A on Habeas Corpus ]
- Petition to Thomas Ford, 31 December 1842 [ Extradition of JS for Accessory to Assault ]
- Petition to the United States Circuit Court for the District of Illinois, 31 December 1842, Willard Richards Copy [ Extradition of JS for Accessory to Assault ]
- Petition to the United States Circuit Court for the District of Illinois, 31 December 1842, William Clayton Copy [ Extradition of JS for Accessory to Assault ]
- Petition, 10 October 1843 [ State of Illinois v. Drown on Habeas Corpus ]
- Petition, 12 April 1844 [ State of Illinois v. Colton on Habeas Corpus ]
- Petition, 13 June 1844 [ State of Illinois v. H. Smith et al. on Habeas Corpus ]
- Petition, 16 May 1844 [ United States v. Jeremiah Smith on Habeas Corpus–A ]
- Petition, 2 April 1844 [ State of Illinois v. Greene et al. on Habeas Corpus ]
- Petition, 23 November 1843 [ State of Illinois v. Finch on Habeas Corpus ]
- Petition, 30 May 1844 [ United States v. Jeremiah Smith on Habeas Corpus–B ]
- Plat of Kirtland, Ohio, not before 2 August 1833
- Poem from William W. Phelps, 7 November 1843
- Poem from William W. Phelps, between 1 and 20 January 1843
- Poem to William W. Phelps, between circa 1 and circa 15 February 1843
- Power of Attorney to Amasa Lyman, 28 February 1843
- Power of Attorney to Amasa Lyman, 28 February 1843, as Recorded in Henderson County Deeds
- Power of Attorney to Oliver Granger, 27 September 1837
- Praecipe, 23 February 1844 [ Davis v. JS et al. ]
- Preamble and Resolutions, 13 January 1845
- Preamble and Resolutions, 13 January 1845, as Published in Nauvoo Neighbor
- Preamble and Resolutions, 13 January 1845, as Published in Times and Seasons
- Preamble and Resolutions, 14 January 1845, Draft
- Proclamation, between 19 January and 27 August 1841
- Promissory Note from Benjamin Hoyt, 12 February 1840–A
- Promissory Note from Benjamin Hoyt, 12 February 1840–B
- Promissory Note from Benjamin Hoyt, 12 February 1840–C
- Promissory Note from Alpheus Gifford, 1 December 1839–B
- Promissory Note from Anson Mathews, 1 February 1840–A
- Promissory Note from David Garlick, 9 January 1840–A
- Promissory Note from David Garlick, 9 January 1840–B
- Promissory Note from David Garlick, 9 January 1840–C
- Promissory Note from David Jones, 1 February 1840–A
- Promissory Note from Ebenezer Black, 10 January 1840–A
- Promissory Note from Ebenezer Black, 10 January 1840–B
- Promissory Note from George B. Teeples, 15 February 1840–B
- Promissory Note from George B. Teeples, 15 February 1840–A
- Promissory Note from George Burket, 12 January 1841–A
- Promissory Note from Isaac Behunin, 1 November 1839
- Promissory Note from John Miller, 27 February 1840–A
- Promissory Note from John Miller, 27 February 1840–B
- Promissory Note from Joseph K. Allen, 10 March 1840–A
- Promissory Note from Lorenzo Clark, 1 February 1840–A
- Promissory Note from Welcome Chapman, 1 February 1840–A
- Promissory Note from Welcome Chapman, 1 February 1840–B
- Promissory Note from Wilson Law, 24 January 1842–A
- Promissory Note from Wilson Law, 24 January 1842–B
- Promissory Note from Wilson Law, 24 January 1842–C
- Promissory Note from Wilson Law, 24 January 1842–A, Copy
- Promissory Note from Wilson Law, 24 January 1842–B, Copy
- Promissory Note to Daniel Carter, 2 September 1840
- Promissory Note to Ethan Kimball, 20 June 1842
- Promissory Note to George McIntire, 17 January 1842
- Promissory Note to George McIntire, 20 January 1842
- Promissory Note to Hugh McFall, 25 March 1842
- Promissory Note to James Ivins, 21 July 1841
- Promissory Note to Jason Brunell, 14 September 1837
- Promissory Note to Shadrach Roundy, 24 November 1841
- Promissory Note to William Marks, 4 April 1842
- Promissory Note, Don Carlos Smith to Hyrum Hoyt, 10 April 1841
- Proposed Plan for a Moot Organization and Congress, 6 February 1844
- Proverbs, between circa 11 August and circa 4 September 1842
- Receipt to Jonathan Harrington, 8 July 1842
- Receipt to Joshua Smith, 3 December 1839
- Receipt to Nahum Curtis, circa Late 1840
- Receipt to Shadrach Roundy, 24 August 1840
- Recognizance, 25 June 1844–A [ State of Illinois v. JS et al. for Riot–A ]
- Recognizance, 25 June 1844–C [ State of Illinois v. JS et al. for Riot–A ]
- Recognizance, 25 June 1844–D [ State of Illinois v. JS et al. for Riot–A ]
- Recommendation for Brigham Young, 3 June 1839
- Recommendation for George A. Smith, 3 June 1839
- Recommendation for Heber C. Kimball, between 2 and 13 June 1837
- Recommendation for Willard Richards, between 11 and 13 June 1837
- Reflections and Blessings, 16 and 23 August 1842
- Report from Willard Richards, circa 8 February 1845
- Report of Committee, 11 November 1843–B
- Report of Committee, 21 December 1843
- Report of Committee, circa 12 August 1843
- Report of Nauvoo Legion General Court-Martial, 30 November 1841
- Report of Nauvoo Legion General Court-Martial, 30 November 1841, as Published in Wasp
- Resignation from Elijah Fordham, 14 November 1843
- Resignation from George A. Smith, circa 10 August 1844
- Resignation of Fees from Brigham Young, 17 February 1842
- Resignation of Fees from Heber C. Kimball, 17 February 1842
- Resignation of Fees from Wilford Woodruff, 17 February 1842
- Resignation of Fees from Willard Richards, 17 February 1842
- Resignation of Fees, 17 February 1842
- Resolution, 10 June 1844
- Resolution, 10 June 1844, as Published in Nauvoo Neighbor –A
- Resolution, 10 June 1844, as Published in Nauvoo Neighbor –B
- Resolution, 13 July 1844
- Resolution, 5 March 1844
- Resolutions from Nauvoo Second Ward, 11 December 1843
- Resolutions from Nauvoo Third Ward, 11 December 1843
- Resolutions of the Boston Conference, 12 March 1843
- Resolutions, 1 July 1844, as Published in Nauvoo Neighbor
- Resolutions, 1 July 1844, as Published in Times and Seasons
- Resolutions, 7 December 1843
- Revelation Book 2
- Revelation, 12 July 1843 [D&C 132]
- Revelation, 19 January 1841 [D&C 124]
- Revelation, 19 May 1842
- Revelation, 2 December 1841
- Revelation, 2 November 1835
- Revelation, 22 June 1834, as Recorded in Richards, Pocket Companion [D&C 105]
- Revelation, 23 July 1837 [D&C 112]
- Revelation, 23 July 1837, as Recorded in Richards, Pocket Companion [D&C 112]
- Revelation, 24 February 1834, William W. Phelps Copy [D&C 103]
- Revelation, 24 February 1834, as Recorded in Richards, Pocket Companion [D&C 103]
- Revelation, 25 December 1832, as Recorded in Richards, Pocket Companion [D&C 87]
- Revelation, 25 November 1843
- Revelation, 28 January 1842
- Revelation, 6 August 1836 [D&C 111]
- Revelation, 8 July 1838–A [D&C 118]
- Revelation, 8 July 1838–A, as Recorded in Richards, Pocket Companion [D&C 118]
- Revelation, 8 July 1838–E, Extract, as Recorded in Richards, Pocket Companion [D&C 117:12–15]
- Revelation, 8 November 1835
- Revelation, 9 July 1841 [D&C 126]
- Revelation, May 1829–A [D&C 11]
- Revelation, circa 22 December 1841–A
- Revelation, circa 22 December 1841–B
- Revelation, circa Early March 1841 [D&C 125]
- Revised Minutes and Discourses, 23 April-circa 8 May 1843, Second Printed Draft
- Revised Minutes and Discourses, 23 April-circa 8 May 1843, Willard Richards Draft
- Revised Minutes and Discourses, 23 April–circa 8 May 1843, First Printed Draft
- Revised Minutes and Discourses, 23 April–circa 8 May 1843, Third Printed Draft
- Revised Minutes and Discourses, 23 April–circa 8 May 1843
- Revised Minutes, 17 June 1844
- Revised Minutes, 17 June 1844, as Published in Nauvoo Neighbor
- Revised Minutes, circa 17 June 1844, Partial Draft
- Revocation of Power of Attorney, 18 January 1842, as Published in Times and Seasons
- Revocation of Power of Attorney, 18 January 1842
- Rules of Order for Nauvoo City Council, 22 January 1842
- Schedule for General Conferences, between 10 and circa 15 April 1844
- Schedule of Creditors, circa 14–16 April 1842
- Sidney Rigdon, Testimony, 1 July 1843 [ Extradition of JS for Treason ]
- Song, 7 January 1843
- Statement from Andrew Lamoreaux, 10 June 1844
- Statement from Andrew Lamoreaux, 10 June 1844, Willard Richards Copy
- Statement from George C. Anderson, 23 June 1844
- Statement of Account from Albert P. Rockwood, circa 13 April 1844
- Statement of Account from Albert P. Rockwood, circa 19 October 1844
- Statement of Account from Henry G. Sherwood, circa 10 November 1843
- Statement of Account from Horace Eldredge, circa 13 April 1844
- Statement of Account from John P. Greene, circa 5 March 1844
- Statement of Account from John Taylor, circa 1 March 1844
- Statement of Account from Josiah Butterfield, 4 June 1842
- Statement of Account from Taylor & Woodruff, circa 11 November 1843
- Statement of Account from William Rollosson, circa February 1844
- Statement of Account, Foster & Pickering to Maid of Iowa, 1 June 1843
- Subpoena, 12 April 1844 [ State of Illinois v. Colton on Habeas Corpus ]
- Subpoena, 2 December 1842–B [ City of Nauvoo v. Davis for Assault ]
- Subpoena, 24 February 1844–C [ Davis v. JS et al. ]
- Subpoena, 24 November 1843 [ State of Illinois v. Finch on Habeas Corpus ]
- Subpoena, 3 April 1844 [ State of Illinois v. Greene et al. on Habeas Corpus ]
- Subpoena, 8 May 1844 [ F. M. Higbee v. JS–A on Habeas Corpus ]
- Subscription List from Ramus, Illinois, Saints, circa 3 March 1843
- Summons to Nauvoo City Marshal, 10 January 1844
- Summons to Nauvoo City Marshal, 21 June 1844
- Summons to Nauvoo City Marshal, 5 March 1844
- Summons, 10 October 1843 [ State of Illinois v. Drown on Habeas Corpus ]
- Summons, 12 June 1844 [ State of Illinois v. JS for Riot on Habeas Corpus ]
- Summons, 16 May 1844 [ United States v. Jeremiah Smith on Habeas Corpus–A ]
- Summons, 2 April 1844 [ State of Illinois v. Greene et al. on Habeas Corpus ]
- Summons, 6 May 1844 [ F. M. Higbee v. JS–A on Habeas Corpus ]
- Testimonies, 12 June 1844 [ State of Illinois v. JS for Riot on Habeas Corpus ]
- Testimony against Chauncey L. Higbee, 25 May 1844
- The Book of the Law of the Lord
- The Book of the Law of the Lord, Book A
- The Book of the Law of the Lord, Book B
- Tithing Daybook B
- Transcript of Proceedings, 6 January 1843 [ Extradition of JS for Accessory to Assault ]
- Transcript of Proceedings, circa 17 July 1852 [ United States v. Joseph Smith III et al. ]
- Trial Report Draft, 12 May 1844 [ F. M. Higbee v. JS–A on Habeas Corpus ]
- Trial Report, 12–15 May 1844 [ F. M. Higbee v. JS–A on Habeas Corpus ]
- Trial Report, 12–15 May 1844, as Published in Times and Seasons [ F. M. Higbee v. JS–A on Habeas Corpus ]
- Trial Report, 19–21 June 1844 [ State of Illinois v. JS et al. for Riot–B ]
- Trial Report, 4–22 March 1843 [ Dana v. Brink ]
- Trial Report, between circa 12 and 20 June 1844, Draft [ State of Illinois v. JS for Riot on Habeas Corpus ]
- Trial Report, between circa 12 and 20 June 1844, Partial Draft [ State of Illinois v. JS for Riot on Habeas Corpus ]
- Trustees Land Book A, 11 September 1839–30 April 1842
- Trustees Land Book B, 4 August 1842–8 December 1845
- Visions of Moses, June 1830, as Recorded in Richards, Pocket Companion [Moses 1]
- Visions, 3 April 1836 [D&C 110]
- Voting Record, 19 May 1842
- Voting Record, 22 January 1842
- Voting Record, 5 March 1842
- Warrant, 1 December 1842 [ City of Nauvoo v. Davis for Ardent Spirits ]
- Warrant, 1 December 1842 [ City of Nauvoo v. Davis for Assault ]
- Warrant, 11 June 1844, John Taylor and Willard Richards Copy [ State of Illinois v. JS et al. for Riot–A ]
- Warrant, 11 June 1844, William Clayton Copy [ State of Illinois v. JS et al. for Riot–A ]
- Warrant, 13 May 1844 [ United States v. Jeremiah Smith ]
- Warrant, 24 June 1844–A [ State of Illinois v. JS and H. Smith for Treason ]
- Warrant, 31 December 1842, Willard Richards Copy [ Extradition of JS for Accessory to Assault ]
- Warrant, 4 October 1843 [ State of Illinois v. Drown ]
- Warrant, Robert F. Smith for Joseph W. Coolidge, 24 June 1844
- Wilson Law and Others, Affidavit, 4 January 1843, Willard Richards Copy [ Extradition of JS for Accessory to Assault ]
- Wilson Law and Others, Affidavit, 4 January 1843, Justin Butterfield Copy [ Extradition of JS for Accessory to Assault ]
- Wrapper for Letters, circa 15 February 1844
- “A Fac-simile from the Book of Abraham, No. 2.,” Second Issue, between circa 15 March 1842 and 1 April 1843
- “History of Joseph Smith”

Willard Richards Circa 1845, photograph likely by Lucian R. Foster, copy (Church History Library, Salt Lake City).
- Gender
- Male