In a conversation with of this place a short time since. he expressed in very warm terms, feelings of sympathy for the wrongs yourself & Bretheren suffered in , as well as his sense of the vindictive feelings the authorities of that still manifested towards you personally.
has not yet had the pleasure of a personal acquaintance with yourself altho, he says he had the pleasure of meeting your at her sister’s residence on Rock– River. has been written by the Hon B. [Robert Barnwell] Rhett of S. Carolina upon the subject of the Persecution & thinks of all men he would be the best qualified to present a petition in our behalf— & says should such an arrangement meet your approbation he will use his influence in favor of a petition & says he knows of some Honorable men in whom he has no doubt are anxious to wipe off the stain that rests upon them by some just— [p. [1]]