Sir In reply to yours of this date, you will take special notice you will take specil notic[e] of the movements of the mob party, that is stirring up strife and endeav[o]ring to excite rebellion to the govenmet, and destroy the Saints and cause all the troops of said Legion in your vicinity, to be in readiness to act at a moments warning, and if the Mob shall fall upon the saints by force of arms defend them at every hazard; unless prudence dictate the retre[a]t of the troops to , in which case the mob will not disturb your women and children, and if the mob move towar[d] , either come before them or on their rear, and be ready to cooperate with the main body of the Legion— Instruct the companies to keep cool, and let all things be done dece[n]tly and in order, Give information by affidivit before a magistrate, & special messengers to the of what has occurred, and every illegal poceedigs [proceeding] that shall be had on the subject without delay, also notify me of the same, And dem[a]nd instruction and protection as <from> the .