, Summons, to , for , , , , , , , , , , , and , , Hancock Co., IL, 4 May 1844; handwriting of ; notation in handwriting of ; docket in handwriting of ; one page; Nauvoo Legion Records, CHL.
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Head quarters (
(May 4th 1844
To Sergeant Major 2nd Cohort N. L.
You are hereby forthwith commanded to notify the following named Officers of the Nauvoo Legion to assemble at the office of Lieu[tenan]t Gen[era]l Joseph Smith on Friday the 10th inst at 9 o’clock A. M. as members of a court martial detailed for the trial of surgeon in chief and Brevet Brigadier General of the Nauvoo Legion on the Complaint of Lieut for unofficer and unbecoming conduct and hereof fail not and make returns of your proceeding to the President of the Court on the first day of its sitting, viz.—
Brigadier General <X> <X> as President
Brevet Brigr Genl .
d[itt]o " " .
" " " .
Colonel — <Absent>
" — <Absent>
" <X> <X>
" <X> . <X>
Lieut Col <X> <X>
" " <X> <X>
" " <X> as members and Col <X> as Judge advocate also to summons <X> and <X> to appear at the same time and place as witneses.
Given under my hand the day and year above written