License for George Reader, 17 or 19 October 1843, as Published in Warsaw Signal
Source Note
JS, License, for George Reader, , Hancock Co., IL, 17 or 19 Oct. 1843. Version published in “Counterfeiters,” Warsaw (IL) Signal, 5 June 1844, p. [2]. Transcription from microfilm held at CHL.
License for George Reader, 17 or 19 October 1843, as Published in Warsaw Signal
Page [2]
This certifies that George Reader has been received into the , organized on the sixth of April, in the year of our Lord one thousand eight and thirty, and has been an , according to the rules and regulation of said Church; and is duly authorized to preach the gospel, agreeably to the authority of that office. Given by the direction of a general of the authorities of said Church, assembled in , Ill., on the sixth of April, in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and forty. (Signed,)
Joseph Smith, .
, Clerk.
, Oct. 19th, 1843.
On the back of this, was the following endorsement: