good as th[e]y were— 2 nations are brothers wanted Joseph to talk right be be our big chi[e]f white men wear hats. indians naked. colour[ed] Engli[s]h. Frenc[h]. indians all brethren. dont expe[c]t to live long.— <dont> care for any thing only for somthig [something] to eat. &c. Fri[e]ndly visit— 2 days. sac chief sold their land again. and would go to in 2 years— we are ve[r]y poor— whit[e]s cheat us— but no diffe[re]nce not Long to Live. we wanted to let you know we were a christian people.—
I Repli[e]d. we know you have been. wronged. but we bought this land and paid our money for it.— adv[i]se you not to sell any more land. cult[i]vate peac[e] with all men with the diff[er]ent tribes. Great spirit wants you to be united & live in peac[e]— fou[n]d a book. (pentig [presenting] the Book of Mormon) which told me about your fathers.— &. Great spi[r]it told me.— you must send to all the tribes you can. & tell them to live in peace. & when any of our people come to see you treat them as we treat you.— [p. [129]]