Genealogical Society filming of “Egyptian Alphabet,” 14 Sept. 1956, Egyptian Documents Film, CHL.
Egyptian Documents Film, 14 Sept. 1956. Microfilm. CHL.
Historian’s Office filming of “Book of Abraham Manuscripts,” 15 July 1971, Book of Abraham Manuscripts, CHL.
Book of Abraham Manuscripts, ca. 1835–1838, ca. 1841–1843. CHL.
JS, Journal, 9 Mar. 1842. Richards had been appointed as the recorder for the Nauvoo temple in December 1841. (JS, Journal, 13 Dec. 1841.)
The total word count of the Book of Abraham text in the 15 March 1842 issue is 3,352. The average, per-page word count of the material covering the first eight pages (1,400 words) is 175.