Committee Meeting Minutes, 16–28 December 1843, Copy
Source Note
Nauvoo Legion Committee of Revision, Meeting Minutes, , Hancock Co., IL, 16–28 Dec. 1843. Version copied [between 28 Dec. 1843 and 13 Jan. 1844]; handwriting of ; four pages; Nauvoo Legion Records, CHL. Includes dockets.
Minutes for a 13 January 1844 Nauvoo Legion court-martial were inscribed on page 4 of the committee meeting minutes. See Minutes, 13 Jan.1844.
Page [3]
Sec 26.
Sec 27. For the words “Suspend” say “remit”
Sec 26.) That each Court of Assessment shall meet at 10 oclock A. M. and continue in Session from time to time, <by adjournment> until all the business shall be finished at such places as the Presidents respectively may appoint on the Regimental and Parades and it shall be the duty of all delinquents so returned, <to appear> without further notice at said Court, to make a lawful excuse if any they have; and should any person feel themselves aggrieved by the decision of said Court, they may appeal to the President <of the Board> who shall have the power to remit the fine That it shall not be lawful for any Officer to remit fines unless it be upon the testimony of the person so applying upon oath, <or other satisfactory evidence> it shall appear that he was out of the on the day on which he was required to do duty; or in case of sickness with himself or family; or that he was detained by the requirements of the civil law; or that he was not subject to do duty in the company, staff or corps, in which he was returned as a delinquent; or that he did duty in the company to which he belongs according to law. and it shall be the duty of all officers authorized to suspend <remit> fines as aforesaid to cause the secretary of the board of assessments to keep a record of the same in a book kept for that purpose, in which shall be recorded the testimony given by the person so applying, and any Officer who shall wilfully suspend <remit> any fine, except as above provided, shall be Cashiered by the decision of a Court Martial detailed by the Officer having proper jurisdiction.
Section 43) Repeal this Section
Section 7.) That each Cohort or Brigade, Regiment, Battalion, and Company of the same grade, when in the field shall take rank from right to left in the following order; first right, second left, first, fifth, fourth, seventh, third, eighth, sixth, second, according to the rank of the Captains
ANo <any Commissioned or> Non commissioned Officers or Privates who shall appear on parade with loaded fire arms, or loading the same on the field without orders from their respective commanding officers shall be fined in any sum not exceeding twenty dollars at the discretion of the <proper> Court of Assessments
In addition print in an Extract from the <United> States Militia laws page 83 & 84
Section 57 <Stet.> Resolved that a <Legion>Legislative Committee <of seven> be and are hereby appointed, whose duty it shall be to meet at certain such times as may be appointed, and deliberate upon all matters relative to the benefit <government> regulation and good order of the Legion and make report thereof to the General Court Martial from time to time, said Committee to be governed by their own bye laws. and <that the said Committee> be allowed each one dollar and fifty cents for each days services— the Committee to be chosen annually by the <General> Court Martial [p. [3]]