Committee Meeting Minutes, 16–28 December 1843, Copy
Source Note
Nauvoo Legion Committee of Revision, Meeting Minutes, , Hancock Co., IL, 16–28 Dec. 1843. Version copied [between 28 Dec. 1843 and 13 Jan. 1844]; handwriting of ; four pages; Nauvoo Legion Records, CHL. Includes dockets.
Minutes for a 13 January 1844 Nauvoo Legion court-martial were inscribed on page 4 of the committee meeting minutes. See Minutes, 13 Jan.1844.
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53rd) Resolved That Colonel of the 1st. Regiment 1st. Cohort, be, and he is hereby appointed to the Office of Brevet Brigadier General. in the 1st. Cohort, . Repeal the (second) 53rd. Section respecting Inspector General’s duty
58th.) The Chief Musician of the Brass Band to be added to the Board of Assessments
Sec 58.) That it shall be the duty of the Chief Musicians of the Brass and Martial Bands to cause the rolls of their respective bands under their command to be called, under their inspection on each day on which they are required to parade, and make returns of all delinquents to the Legion Court of Assessments and do and perform all duties that in any wise appertain to their office
2y.) two Sections 65.
This Act to be in force from and after 1st. April 1844
Adjourned until Thursday Decr. 28th. 1843 at nine in the morning.
, Sec[retar]y.
Decr. 28th. 1843
At an adjourned meeting held at the house of Major General at nine o’clock in the morning.
Present. Major General . President
Brigadier General.
. Secretary.
Sec 27.) Strike out the latter part of this section which reads as follows “and if any one authorized to collect fines under the provisions of this act shall neglect or refuse to do his duty he shall be fined in any sum not exceeding one hundred dollars, at the discretion of a Court Martial detailed by the person issueing the warrant or may be Cashiered by a Court Martial detailed by the Major General.”
Sec 28.) That the following forfeitures and penalties shall be incurred for delinquents, on Cohort and Legion Parade days to wit.
The Lieutenant and Major General twenty dollars, Brevet Major Generals and Brigadier Generals fifteen dollars, Brevet Brigadier Generals and Colonels or any officer holding the rank thereof ten dollars, Lieutenant Colonels and Majors or any officer holding the rank thereof eight dollars, Captains or any Officer holding the rank thereof five dollars, Lieutenants <and Ensign> or any officer holding the rank thereof three dollars, non commissioned officers, musicians and privates two dollars and for delinquencies at Officer drills or any Regimental Battalion or Company Parade or for neglect of any officers orders of a Superior Officer, they shall be fined in proportion to rank as recited in the foregoing part of this Section, in one half the sums aforesaid.
Sec 36.) Strike out the whole of this Section [p. [2]]