, Complaint, before , , Hancock Co., IL, 2 May 1844; handwriting of ; signatures of and ; docket in handwriting of ; one page; Nauvoo Legion Records, CHL.
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May 2d 1844
State of Illinois)
Hancock county)
ss [scilicet]
City of —)
Personally appeared before me , Judge Advocate of the , and being duly Sworn deposes and says. that on or about the 28th day of Ap[r]il 1844, at the house dwelling house of , in aforesaid, Colonel , Surgeon in chief, and ranking Brevett Brigadier General of said Nauvoo Legion— while talking about General Joseph Smith. said that General Smith kept a gang of Robbers and plunderers about his house for the purpose of robbing and plundering. and he <(Smith)> received half the spoils: also that said General Joseph Smith tried to get him () to go and kill : with many othe[r] ungentlemenly and unofficer like obse[r]vations concerni[n]g <said> General Smith and othe[r]s.—
Personally appeared. the the signer of the above complaint and made oath the same was true according to the best of his knowlgde and belief— <the day and year above written> before me