Court-Martial against Sylvester B. Stoddard, 15 December 1843
Source Note
, , , , , , , Jesse K. Nichols, , and , Court-Martial, against , [, Hancock Co., IL], 15 Dec. [1843]; handwriting of ; signatures of , , , , , , , Jesse K. Nichols, , , and ; two pages; Nauvoo Legion Records, CHL. Includes docket.
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Dec 15th 1842 [1843].
Court met at ’s residence Present , , . Capts , , [Jesse K.] Nichols, , . Capt Pa moved to have all those fined 5 dollars who have failed to attend this court. which was carried A Charge was prefered against Plead not guilty. chalenged Capts [?] & objections withdrawn. took his seat with Court
— said came among the music got a drum made noise with it, talked loud, there 15 or 20 minutes got drunk, anoyed the band, acted unbecoming an officer & a gentleman, some one fifed for him; that he denied told a man to hand in his delinquents list x q [cross-questioned] that he s[ai]d had no list that [illegible] he had list would not hand them in after he had been fined — thinks he was drunk <high>, told him to look to his drums which he owned in the band, thinks he did not hurt the feelings of the band— that he [he] came to the band no oftener than was necessary to look to his drums brought apples, &c.
— said that told him he wanted to be off that day as he was not well and had but nine men & let him go if he be on the ground and call the roll in the evening &c. in the evening was applied to to have taken from the band &c he anoyed the musick & first Reg[imen]t. he called for delinquent list. he refused said the Court was partial that he never had one & before sa[i]d Court told him he had a list and Could have them any time that he all the delinquents had made sufficient excuse &c that he insulted & abused a meeting of sd court sd th[e]y was partial &c <John> Lunday— belongs to Company did not train at the genl parade was— that sd he had no delinquent list
Bryant belongs to his company. did not do duty on last day of parade. roll was called in morning he did not have the roll in the eve— called upon him to give in his delinquent list was at the formation of the company— is about 40 men in it and 8 or 12 on parade— Tufts testifies; acknowledegd that if they did not act upon his case thy would get no delinquent list from him sd he insulted the Court &c
Nichols— said his list was forth-comi[ng] but requested to be tried first. afterwards Said he had no delinquents list [p. [1]]