Henry Stephens and Dixon & Cooley on behalf of , Declaration, , IL, [ca. 27 Mar. 1844], Sympson v. JS (Hancock Co., IL, Circuit Court 1844); unidentified handwriting; docket by unidentified scribe, [, IL, ca. 27 Mar. 1844]; notation by , [, Hancock Co., IL], 28 Mar. 1844; notation by James M. Campbell, [, McDonough Co., IL], 12 Aug. 1844; eight pages; McDonough County Circuit Court Files, Illinois Regional Archives Depository vault, Archives and Special Collections, Leslie F. Malpass Library, Western Illinois University, Macomb.
into public scandal, infamy and disgrace, with and amongst all his neighbors, and other good and worthy citizens of this , and to cause it to be suspected and believed by those neighbors and citizens, that, the said hath been and was guilty of Felony as hereafter stated to have been charged upon and imputed to him, and to subject him to the pains and penalties by the laws of this made and provided— against and inflicted upon persons guilty thereof, and to vex, harass, oppress, impoverish, and wholly ruin him, heretofore to wit, on or about the seventeenth day of January, in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and forty four, at the county of aforesaid, in a certain discourse which the said defendant, then and there had of, and concerning the said in the presence and hearing of divers good and worthy citizens of this , and then and there, in the presence and hearing of the said last mentioned citizens, falsely and maliciously spoke and published of and concerning the said the false, scandalous, malicious and defamatory words following that is to say, he (meaning the said ) is the man that stabbed and robbed And afterwards to wit, on the day and year last aforesaid, at the county of aforesaid, in a certain other discourse which the said defendant, then and there had in the presence and hearing of divers other good and worthy citizens of this , the said defendant further contriving and intending as aforesaid, then and there in the presence and hearing of the said last mentioned citizens, falsely and maliciously spoke and published of and concerning the said [p. [6]]