Discourse, 17 September 1843–A, as Reported by Willard Richards
Source Note
JS, Discourse, [, Hancock Co., IL, 17 Sept. 1843]. Version copied [ca. 17 Sept. 1843] in JS, Journal, 1842–1844, bk. 3, p. [98]; handwriting of ; JS Collection, CHL. For more complete source information, see the source note for JS, Journal, 1842–1844.
Sunday 17th—— Septmbr was at meeting. gave some directions. & while preachd I took my part as Mayor outside of the assembly. to keep order. & set patte[r]n for the under office[r]s.— after prechig [preaching] gave some instuctin [instruction] ab[o]ut order in the congregation— men among women & wom[e]n among men. horess [horses] in the assembly men & boys on the &c [p. [98]]