The Prophet while I address you on the subject which <in the fore p[ar]t. of the Con[ference]> was contemp[late]d.— as the wind blows very hard it will be hardly possible for me to make you all hear it is of the greatest importance & the mo[st] solemn of any that co[ul]d. occupy our attent[io]n. & that is the subj[ect] of the dead on the dece[ase] of our who was crushed to death in a well— & inasmuch as there <are> a great many in this congre[gation] who live in this & who have lost friend I shall speak in gen[era]l. & offe[r] you my ideas so far as I have ability & so far as I shall be insp[ire]d. by the H S. [Holy Spirit] to dwell on this subj[ec]t. I want your prayer, faith the instr[uctio]n. of Alm[ighty] God to say things that are true & shall carry the testimony to your hearts & pray that he may streng[then] my lungs— stay the winds— & let the pray[ers] of the Saints to heaven appear— for the prayers of the righteous avail much & I verily believe that your prayers shall be heard before I enter in the investig[atio]n. fully of the subjt. that is lying before us I wish to make a few preliminaries in order that you may understand when I come to it [p. 14]