I have a Far. Bror. Friends who are gone to a world of Sp— they are absent for a mom[en]t.— they are in the Sp. then shall we hail our Mo[the]r. Fars. Friends & all no fear of mobs— &c but all an Eternity of felicity— Mothers you shall have your Children for they shall have it— for their debt is paid there is no dam[natio]n awaits them for they are in the Spirits— as the Child dies so shall it rise from the de[a]d & be living in the burng. of God— it shall be the child as it was bef it died out of your arms children dwell & exercise power in the same form as they laid them down
the Bap[tism] of Water witht. the B[aptism] of Fire & the H G. att[endin]g it are necy he must be born of W[ater] & Sp in order to get into the K of God— in the German text bears me out same as the revn. which I have given for the 14 years— I have the test to put in their teeth that my test has been true all the time you will find it in the decla[ratio]n of John the Bap[tist] (reads from the German) John says I bap[tize] you with Water but when J comes who has the power he shall adm[inister] the bap of F & the H. G. G[rea]t. God now where is all the Sect. [sectarian] world— & if this est [testimony] is true they are all d——d as clearly as any Anathama ever was— I know the text is true— I call upon all to say I— (shouts of I) — how are you going to save them with water— for John sd. his bapm. was nothing witht the test bap of J. C. One God, Far., Jesus, hope of, our Calling, one baptism— all three bap make one I have the truth & I am at the defiance of the world to contradict I have preached Latin Hebrew Greek German & I have fulfilled all I am not so big a fool as many have taken me for— the Germans know that I read the German corect— hear it all ye Ends of the Earth— all ye Sinners Repent Repent turn to God for your rel[igio]n. wont save you & ye will be dd but I do not say how along— but those who Sin agt. the H. G. cannot be forgiven in this world or in the world to come but they shall die the 2nd. death— but as they concoct scenes of bloodshed in this world so they shall rise to that resurn. which is as the lake of fire & brimstone— some shall rise to the everlasting burning of God & some shall rise to the dn. of their own filthiness— same as the lake of fire & brimstone— I have int[ende]d. my remarks to all— to all rich & poor bond & free great & small I have no enmity agst any man— I love you all— I am their best friend & if persons miss their mark it is their own fault— if I reprove a man [p. 21]