If I comprehend so that the spirit seal it upon you[r] hearts let every man and woman put his hand on his mouth & never say any thing against the man of God again but if I fail it becomes my duty to renounce all my pretensions to inspirati[o]ns &c and if I should do so should I not be as bad as all the rest of the world. not a man would not breath[e] anathema if they knew I was a false prophe[t] som[e] would take my life. If any man is authorised to take my life because I am a false teacher then upon th[e] sam[e] principle am <I> authorised to take the life of every false teache[r] and who would not be the sufferer— but no man is authorised to take away life in consequence of their religion all laws and government ought to tolerate whethe[r] right or wron[g] If I show that I have the truth of God & 99/100 are false teacher[s] while they pretend to hold the keys of God & go to killing them because &c would it not deluge the wo[r]ld in blood. Want you should all [k]now God— be familiar— If I can get you to know I can bring to him, & if as you will cease to persecute me I speak in authority— What kind of a being was God in the beginning. hear all ye ends of th[e] earth, I am going to prove it by the bible & the relati[o]n the human family sustains with God. 1st. God that sets enthroned is a man like one of yourselves— that is the great secret. If the vail was rent to day & the great god who holds this world in its sphere in its orbit— the planets— if you were to see him to day you would see him in all the person image very form of man. for Adam was created in the very fashion of God. Adam received instruction walked talked as one man with anothe[r]. In order to understand the subject of the ded for the consolation of thos[e] wh[o] mourn for the loss of their friends necessary they should understan[d] Going to tell you how God came to be God. We have imagined that God was God from all eternity. These are incompr[e]hensible to some but are the first principle of the gospel— to know that we may converse with him as one man with another & that he was once as one of us and was on a planet as Jesus was in the flesh [p. 13]