knowledge saves a man and in the wold of spirits a man cant be exalted but by his knowledge. So long as a man will not give heed to the commandme[n]ts he must abide without salvation. A man is his own torment hence the saying they shall go into the lake that burns with fire &c or as exquisite as a lake &c so is the torment of a man— I said no man could commit the unpardonable sin after the dissolution of the body— hence the salvation that the saviour wrough[t] out for the salvation of a man if it did not catch him in one place it would another— The contenti[o]n in heaven was Jesus said there were certain men would not be saved the devil said he could save them. he rebelled against God and was thrust down. After a man has sinned the sin against the H G. there is no repentance for him. Hence like many of the apostates of the C of J. C. L. D. S. [Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints] they go to[o] far the spirit leaves them hence they seek to kill me they thirst for my blood they never cease— he has got the same spirit that crucified Jesus You cant renew them to repentance— awful is the consequence Advise all to be careful what they do— you may by and by find out that you have been deceived
He continued his discourse— & told of parents receiving their children. Concluded his remarks by Baptism [11 lines blank] [p. 18]