at present did not seem to satisfy him, as he seemed determined to quarrel with me, and threatened me with the destruction of my body. While he was thus engaged, pouring out his bitter words upon me, a rabble rushed in and nearly filled the barn, drew out their knives, and began to quarrel among themselves for the premises; and for a moment forgot me, at which time I took the opportunity to walk out of the barn about up to my ankles in mud. In a <When I was a> little distance from the barn I heard them screeching and screaming in a very distressed manner, as it appeared they had engaged in a general fight with their knives. While they were thus engaged the dream or vision ended.”
<Both Brothers Joseph & bore a faithful testimony to the latter day work, and the coming forth of the Book of Mormon, and prophesied of the final triumph of the Gospel over all the earth, exhorting the brethren present to dilijence faithfulness and persevering diligence in proclaiming the gospel, building up the , & performing all the duties connected with our holy religion.>
Wrote <Joseph dictated the following> postscript to “<PS. 20 min to 10> I (copy) suppose.” <and afterwards wrote a few lines with his own hand which were not copied.> Sent <The> letter <was sent> by , and .
< (Nauvoo City Marshall) told that if he went to , leaving only the Carthage Greys to guard the Jail, that there was a conspiracy on foot to take their <the> lives <of Joseph & > during his absence. to which the replied “ you are too enthusiastic.”>
went to some time this forenoon <escorted by the <a portion of his> troops, these being the only troops known to be <the most> friendly to Joseph <the prisoners> and leaving the known enemies to the prophet ostensibly to guard the jail, having <previously> disbanded the remainder.>
10.30 <Joseph> Sent <a> request to the by for a [p. 56]
Insertion written vertically over the preceding paragraph in the center of the page, apparently indicating that this information came from Cyrus H. Wheelock; handwriting of Jonathan Grimshaw.