not far from the window when I received my wound While on my way and under the bed, I was wounded in three other places; one ball entered a little below the left knee and never was extracted; another entered into the fore part of my left arm a little above the wrist, and passing down by the joint it lodged in the fleshy part of the <my> hand, about midway in my hand and a little above the upper joint of my little finger.
Another struck me on the fleshy part of the left hip and tore away the flesh, as large as my hand, dashing the mangled fragments of flesh and blood against the wall. My wounds
My wounds were painful and the sensation produced was as though a ball had passed <through &> down the whole length of my leg. I very well remember my reflections, at the time. I had a very painful idea of becoming lame and decrepid and being an object of pity, and I felt as though I had rather die than be placed in such circumstances.
It would seem that immediately after my attempt to leap <out> the window, Joseph also did the same thing, of which circumstance, I have no knowlege only from information. The first thing <that I noticed was a cry> that he “had leapt the <out of> window.” A cessation of firing followed, the mob rushed down stairs, [illegible] went to the window. Immediatel[y] afterwards I saw the going towards the jail door, and as there was an iron door at the head of the stairs adjoining our d[oor?] which led into the cells for criminals [it?] struck me that the was going in t[here?] and I said to him stop and take [me?] [p. 51]