, Letter, , to JS and Quorum of the Twelve, , Hancock Co., IL, 1–2 Mar. 1844; handwriting of ; dockets in handwriting of , Jonathan Grimshaw, , and unidentified scribe; four pages; JS Collection, CHL. Includes postal markings.
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I wish you to send me the “Times & Seasons—” and the “Neighbour” Please Direct them to me at — I have one subscriber by the name of Little who wishes to take the “Neighbour” he is a clerk in the “Globe” office I saw the Editor of the Globe today he says he would be Glad to exchange with the “Neighbour” There is a great <Little> excitement now in this concerning the prospects of annother difficulty <with the Mormons> the News is here copyed from the Papers that there was four wagons sent to for Arms to be used against the Mormons” the Mormons haveing done something it <is> not said what I supose however they are such an odd ass[o]ciation of men differing from the most or many of those anamils called men that they “mind their own busyness and let others do so too” and that is to this age the hight of outrage to this sectarian Campbellitish Millenium age if there is any if there is any such an other Millunium fuss starting up in as we found in — pray send us the back numbers of the paper containing the account— I will here say least there [mig]ht be a miss conveyance I sent a letter to and containing the names of subscribers <for the Papers> to the amount of eleven dollars I think; and temple money subscribers in all to the amount of more than thirty dollars I left the money in the hands of Elder Grant of — and took his receipt— I have <Just> been into the East room of the Presidents House of which there is so much talk concerning it[s] costly furniture there I have gazied on the mangled remains of five gentlemen of the cabinet and others; and one colored man the s Servant six in all who were killed on the steam ship of war Princeton by the bursting of the big gun of 225 pound ball and 50 pounds of powder from the best account I can gather there was four hundred on board 200 of each sex not a feamale hurt Babylon of old was not in higher glee than that company was the moment before the disaster; in the twinkling of an eye their luxuery and banquiting was turned <to> mourning while six went in an instant to the world of spirits where it is hopefull they will <hear> the fullness of the gospel which they would not hear on earth.
Your brother in Christ
March the 2 I have mailed two papers for & containing the acount of the disaster and the funeral [p. [3]]