Letter, London, England, to “Gentlemen,” 28 June 1843
Source Note
“An observer of the signs of the times,” Letter, , Middlesex and Surrey Cos., England, to “Gentleman,” , Hancock Co., IL, 28 June 1843; unidentified handwriting; dockets in handwriting of , , and unidentified scribe; five pages; JS Office Papers, CHL.
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of study with all possible despatch that a supply of Preachers may be sent forth to all nations commensurate with the exegencies of the case at this order A Stirring address cannot be too soon got up and all Nations Solemnly warned of the position they occupy and to close in with the everlasting Gospel and which could not fail of telling with powerful and commanding effect upon the immediate attention of the Rulers of all Nations as well as their Subject
It give effect to this plan that the warning may reach all Nations it seems Gentlemen important in getting up a Newspaper embodying the address as well as other information now called for copies of which to be transmitted to every quarter of the globe and to the public Press and could it be found available to translate the address in the French German Italian Spanish Russian Hindustani and every [p. [2]]