constuti[o]nal right, which were grantd them by some previous legislature. As “every generation grows wiser” in their own conceits so, this it appears that the prnst [present] Repres[en]tatives of thing <think> themselvs very wise & intilignt,— far more so than those who have gone before them, and even more so than the fames [framers] of the Constitut[io]ns,— for by their votes they would destry annihilate all authority constitutinal, rather than not shew the world this gret Big power to offend Joe Smith & th Momns [Mormons].
I am not quite ready to expess my views of the Mormons charters, but I make the foregoing threats with ref[ere]nce simply to ther constitunal perpetuacy which is as plain as the nose on a mans face the Legislature has no authrity but, their will is their power, to take away these charters, & yet they would have it [illegible], [blank] had not outgenrald the senate in their unconstitutial moves, for the bill for repeal passed the hou[s]e but has lost in the Senate, [illegible] [blank] had no d[o]ubt secured ma[n]y friends am[o]ng the Momns by the corse he has taken, and I neigh I never saw a more grateful people for favers received than is this “deluded sect,” & yet th[e]y appear to feel as indepndnt as though they never needed a faver of any one.
They appear the most frank & open in thir Concls [Councils] and delibertins [deliberations]— all their business is done in open counncl,— at least it is so said, sure tis not possible for a stranger to know how ma[n]y privite Meetings they may have.— that is best known to themslves but there is no offence of any thing of the kind.
A delegation of the Patowomie [Potawatomi] Indians have recently visitd the Mormn Prophet dressd in true indian costume, with furs half paited red,— they manfsted nothing but the gretest frindship.— They were very eloqent in their speches, what <which> were unde[r]stood by through their interpreter.— & they painted in glowing [p. [3]]