The Colector of fines shall be atherized to take proper[ty] at a fair valueation in payment of fines at is De at his Discretion.<*> <*The Counstable or Colector of fines we do hereby authorize at his discretion if he canot get money <to> take property in pament of fines at a fair Valueation & to make returns to the Proper Officer. (to wit the officer w[h]o isues the writ) within ninty Days affrir [after] receiving the writt>
an appointment to Build an Arsnell a Comitty to Select ground fix upon size & co & co the fowlowing pirsons <are> appointed as comittee Joseph Smith
we recomend as an agent to suprete◊◊ [superintend]the Building the Gun House <ore arsnal> & armerrour & shall be allowed for his time imployed in the Building of the House one Dollar & forty cents pr Day
Moved & Seconed that < be authorized to organize> the Seconded Bat of first Rigment [regiment] 2 Cohort be constituted a Regt of Light infantry to be called the EscortRegt of Light Infantry to take place <in> the 2nd Cohart according to assignment. on p[a]rade day and do such other dutys of Escort & co as may be nesessary, and that he organize the 1st Bat the first Regment 2 Coh. into a Regt of Artilery and that he attend to the said organizations on or before the 4th of July next [p. [1]]