Nauvoo Legion Committee of Revision, Meeting Minutes, [, Hancock Co., IL], [1] June–8 July 1843; handwriting of unidentified scribe, , and ; three pages; Nauvoo Legion Records, CHL.
The committee meeting minutes were inscribed on the first three pages of a bifolium, and minutes of a 10 June 1843 Nauvoo Legion court-martial were inscribed on the fourth page. The bifolium was cut or torn into two separate leaves. See Minutes, 10 June 1843.
Page [1]
At a Meeting of the Select Commitie of revision met according to appointment May June, 1843 at s To take into consideration the Laws of the . & augonized [organized] as followes (to wit) <Major Gen[era]l.> President. Brig[adier] Genl . Cournal. MajourProtem. . protem
After exanimining [examining] the Nature of the Buisness Adjourned to Procure the Proper Statutes & Ne[ce]ssary Doccouments [documents] for the Buisness
< appointed to procure said docoments>
adjourned to <til> Saturday next the 4th 8 oclock A.M
Saturday 4th of June /43 Met according to appointme[nt]
Major Genl. Present
at 5 oclock comittee P. M. adjourned till 7th of June [p. [1]]