Nauvoo Legion Committee of Revision, Meeting Minutes, [, Hancock Co., IL], [1] June–8 July 1843; handwriting of unidentified scribe, , and ; three pages; Nauvoo Legion Records, CHL.
The committee meeting minutes were inscribed on the first three pages of a bifolium, and minutes of a 10 June 1843 Nauvoo Legion court-martial were inscribed on the fourth page. The bifolium was cut or torn into two separate leaves. See Minutes, 10 June 1843.
Page [2]
June 7th 9 oclock A. M. Comittee met accordng to ajurnment Major. Genl. . Capt <present> after <various> other, Buisness appointed a comittee to seclect [select] a Place to Build an Arsnell & to fix the Size, &c <thereof> allso appointed to Supretend the Building of the same& after Consulting on the Duties of various officers & Laws regulating the same appointed . to arrainge & write out the Laws of said as far as been acted uppon by the comittee. & that Joseph Smith . was appointed as a comitte to fix size & Place for the Arsnall. adjourned till Saterday next at 8 ocl A. M.