Nauvoo Legion Committee of Revision, Meeting Minutes, [, Hancock Co., IL], [1] June–8 July 1843; handwriting of unidentified scribe, , and ; three pages; Nauvoo Legion Records, CHL.
The committee meeting minutes were inscribed on the first three pages of a bifolium, and minutes of a 10 June 1843 Nauvoo Legion court-martial were inscribed on the fourth page. The bifolium was cut or torn into two separate leaves. See Minutes, 10 June 1843.
Page [3]
Satturday June 10th 1843
Committee met according to ajournment Reported 2 Days <servis in> writing which was accep[t]ed—
9 oclock adjourned to the General Court Martial and to meet on the 15th at 9 oclock
June 15th Committee met according to ajournment present Major Gen Gen Col Coll proten [protem] Major Cap 6 oclock ajourned till the 17th Ins
June 17th Committee met according to ajournment June 17th co present 12 oclock ajornd till the 22—
June 22 pm Committee met according to ajournment present <>
reported that he had wrote one day adjd till the 3rd of July next
July 3rd met according to adj[ournmen]t and adj[ourne]d till the 6th inst
July 6 met according to adjt present & adjd till the 7th inst
July 7th met according to adjt present & Maj adjd till Tomorrow at 8 oclock AM
July 8th met acording to adjt prest & at 11 oclok adjd to the Genl Court martial