Sec. 1. Be it ordained by the Court Martial of the Nauvoo Legion in General. Court assembled, that the discipline, drill, rules, regulations, and uniform of the Army, so far as applicable, be and they hereby are adopted for the Legion; Provided, that each company may adopt its own uniform for the non commissioned officers and privates belonging to it, and that all questions of practibility be refered to a committee of five to be appointed by the Court Martial and that their decision shall be final: Provided, however, that an appeal may be had to the General Court Martial
Sec. 2. The Legion shall parade in the following manner in each year, to wit; Each company in the Legion shall hold a company parade on the Second Saturday; each Battalion, a Battalion parade on the third Saturday; and each Cohort, a Cohort parade on the fourth Saturday in April. A court of assessments of fines shall be held on the first Saturday, a court of appeals on the second Saturday, and a General Court Martial on the third Saturday in May; a company parade shall be held on the second Saturday; a Regimental parade on the third Saturday; a Legion parade on the fourth Saturday in September; and that the Band be required to parade upon each regimental and Cohort parades; a Court of assessment to be held on the first Saturday; a Court of appeals on the second Saturday, and a General Court Martial on the third Saturday in October; and Officer drill to be on the day preceeding the Cohort parade, and an Officer drill upon the day [p. 23]