preceding the Legion parade, and any non commissioned officer, musician, or private, who shall neglect or refuse to appear on said days, shall be fined in the sum of one dollar for each Company or Battalion parade, and two dollars for each Cohort or Legion parade; and the commissioned officers neglecting or refusing to appear in their appropriate places on parade shall be fined in the following sums, to wit; the Lieutenant General, and the Major General, thirty dollars: Brevet Major Generals, and Brigadier Generals, twenty-five dollars; Colonels, fifteen dollars Lieutenant Colonels, and Majors, ten dollars; Captains, six dollars; Lieutenants, four dollars; and every commissioned officer, non-commissioned officer, musician or private, who shall neglect or refuse to uniform himself in full, after the lapse of eight months from the passage of this act, shall be fined in the same sums, in addition, for each days of parade— every commissioned officer, non-commissioned officer, or musician, who shall neglect or refuse to attend officer drills, shall be fined in half the sums aforesaid,— and any commissioned officer who shall neglect or refuse to attend their appropriate Courts Martial shall be fined in one half the sums aforesaid— and any commissioned officer neglecting, or refusing, to discharge any duty devolving upon him, shall in addition, be cashiered and disgraced, by [p. 24]