a General Court Martial, detailed by the Major General by order of the Lieutenant General; Provided, always, that all members of the corporation; who are unable to attend parades or Court Martial, on account of sickness in their families, or any other reasonable excuse satisfactory to the Court Martial, shall, for the time being, be exempted from all such fines.— And further, it shall be the duty of the commanding officer of each parade day, to give at least two weeks previous publick notice of said parade.
Sec. 3 Each Regimental Court of Assessment of fines shall be composed of the Major as President, the Adjutant as secretary, and the Captains of companies as members; and the Court Court of Appeals shall be composed of the Colonel as president, the Adjutant as Secretary, and the Lieutenant Colonel and Major as members, and each Legion Court of Assessment of fines shall be composed of the ranking Brigadier General as President, the War Secretary as Secretary, and the Commanders of Cohorts, the drill officer, the Adjutant General and the Chief musician as members. The Court of Appeals shall be composed of of the Major General as president, the War Secretary, as secretary, and the Brigadier Generals as members.
Sec. 4. Every non commissioned officer and private who shall appear upon parade without the proper arms, and equipages, as adopted by their respective companies shall be fined in a sum of twenty-five cents, and every commissioned officer fifty cents.
Sec. 5. The presiding officer of each board shall cause the secretary to keep a record of the proceedings of the Court of Assessments in [p. 25]