of fines in a book to be kept for that purpose, and make out therefrom a certified list of the names of the persons fined, with the fine or fines annexed to each name, which list it shall be the duty of the presiding officer to issue and furnish to the constable appointed to collect such fines, the following warrant to be endorsed at any time when it may be nescessary, which shall be his authority for collecting and paying over the same viz:
State of Illinois)
To A. B. Constable of the County of Greeting:
In the name of the people of the State of , you are hereby required and commanded to collect from each person named in the foregoing list, the several sums of money set opposite their names and within ninety days after recieving this warrant, to pay over to the Paymaster of the Legion the amount so collected, & take his reciept for the same; and if any one or more of said persons shall neglect or refuse to pay the same, you are hereby forthwith commanded to levy on the personal goods and chattels of each delinquent, and mak[e] sale thereof according to the law regulating the collection of of <debts of> a similar amount by execution in this State
Given under my hand this ____ day of ____ A. D. 1842.—
A. B. ____ of the & president of the Court [p. 26]