And any constable collecting any fines under the provisions of this act, who shall neglect or refuse to pay over the amount so collected, as required in the foregoing warrant, after deducting twenty per cent, which shall be his fees for collection, It shall be the duty of the paymaster of the Legion to proceed against such constable or his securities, before any justice of the peace of said county: and the said constable and his securities shall only be exonorated from the payment of such fine the amount of such fines, by showing to the satisfaction of such Justice, that there was no property whereon to levy, of which such fine or fines could be made, or that the collection had been suspended by order of the presiding officer of the Court of Appeals, and if in the opinion of said presiding officer or another board of officers, any constable has neglected his duty, it shall be the duty of such presiding officer or Board to withdraw the warrant from such constable, and appoint annother or others, as the case may be require.
Sec. 6. The Paymaster of the Legion shall, within twenty days from the passage of this act, give a bond within sufficient security to the City Council of the City of , for a sum of two thousand dollars, for the due performance of the duties of Paymaster.
Sec. 7. There shall not be any monies drawn out of the Treasurey of the Nauvoo Legion, unless it be drawn upon the certificate of the Major General, approved by the Lieutenant General.
Sec 8. No private shall be permitted to leave the company to which he belongs, without the permission of his captain, unless, in case [p. 27]