January 13th. 1844 11 oclock, names of members called,— prayer by ,— Minutes of the 2 last Councils read and approved.— Petition of and four others, for a continuance of water st. &c, Read.— Mayor observed that water Street was continued where the road is now worked.— moved the petition be referred back to the petitioners.— Mayor explained, that he made a contract with & Law, that water street should be where the street is now worked, and the council had sanctioned the same. Mayor instructed the to make a deed to for all the Land opposite said Lot to High water Mark. Referred back to the Petitioners—
An ordinance concer[n]ing the Recording of deeds, read twice,— amendment offered by , the word Recorder erasedand “Registry <of Deeds>” inserted.— <also said conveyance shall be null & void,—> read the third time, as amended. objected to the penalty, Mayor explained. . continued his objections, Mayor spoke,— in favor of the penalty, spoke again, C. , spoke in favor , enquired who would own the land, if not recorded. Mayor explained concerning the statute, on Registry of Deeds read. <from the> statues. , spoke, Mayor spoke. spoke [p. 41]