Sec. 4. The Adjutant’s account shall be endorsed by the commanders of Regiments and Battalions with a certificate that he has duly and faithfully performed all the duties required by this ordinance and all other rules and regulations.
Sec. 5. The War Secretary shall receive thirty dollars, and the chief musician ten dollars, each annually, in consideration of faithful performances of all the duties required of them, and said officers shall have their accounts certified to by the Major General.
Sec. 6. The Adjutant General shall receive twenty dollars annually in consideration of faithful performance of his duty, which account shall be approved by the Lieutenant General.
Sec. 7. The officers composing the Courts of Assessment & Courts of Appeal shall receive for their services one dollar each, per day, to be approved by the Major General.
Sec. 8. All disbursements made pursuant to this act ordinance shall be paid out of the funds in the Treasury not otherwise appropriated.
Sec. 9. That all officers wishing to resign shall present their resignations in writing, stating their reasons, thirty day previous to the drill musters.
Sec. 10. All laws, or parts of laws, contrary to the provisions in this ordinance contained or specified, be and the same are hereby repealed.
Sec. 11. This ordinance to take effect and be in force from and after its passage.
Resolved that the Judge Advocate and War Secretary procure books for the respective Adjutants the price of each book not to cost more than one dollar; also a book for the Adjutant General, the price thereof not to cost more than [p. 31]