Nauvoo Legion Court-Martial, Minutes, , Hancock Co., IL, 15 Oct. 1842; handwriting of ; docket in handwriting of ; one page; Nauvoo Legion Records, CHL.
Asterisk (*) denotes a "featured" version, which includes an introduction and annotation.
Gen[era]l. C[our]t. Martial <of the ,> held at <s> Office. , October 15th. 1842.— Major Genl. . President.
The Court <was> called to Order at ten OC. A. M.—
The Roll was called in the usual manner.
Several fines were remitted upon application.
A Bill was presented, which was read, & Ordered to be brought forward in seperate Sections for discussion, which was done accordingly, & afterwards passed in Toto, & the Title approved of, to wit “Court Martial of the Nauvoo Legion, Ordinance No. 4.”
<X> <It was adopted X> <X that the Judge Advocate & War Sec[retar]y. procure Books for the respective Adjutants, <the price of> each Book to not exceed One Dollar, also a Book for the adj[utan]t. Genl.: the price thereof not to exceed two Dollars, & a Book for the War Secy. the price whereof shall not exceed four Dollars.— >
It was then moved, seconded, & Carried, that <no Officers> there shall not be fined for nonattendance at this Court Martial.