Resolved, that the Courts of Appeals be dispensed with & privilege of Appeal to be to Cols of Regts.— for all fines heretofore, or hereafter to be assessed, & he shall <may> remit or, suspend according to the evidence. & the Presdts of the respective Boards of Assessts. [Assessments] may be appealed to, in like manner as to Cols.
Adjd. to 2nd. Satdy. in July next.—
Court Marshall <met> acording to ajournment. Gen President, the former minutes Read and approvd,
aplied to have his fine Remited
s fine Remited
Motion that the Major Gen. Order draw the list of Men fines out of Lewis Robinsons [Robison’s] hands and hand them over to the Colector
A. Buterfields fine Remited
◊ortus Millers fine remited
The laws of the formd by the Commity of Revision Read and Adopted
Moved that Major prepare the Laws of the Legion for the press whichwas adopted.
Resolv’d— that all Laws appointe Collector and the three Resoluitions aprovd on the 10th. of June last Resolv’d and Adopted that the Commity be paid out of the first Mony paid [p. [6]]