spoke at length in opposn. to the Bill.— & wished every Person to have equal Rights.—
The spoke in support of the Bill, & made a Comparison between it & the lik an Ord[inan]ce to the same effect, in , & other Cities, & spoke to some length.— & said it might be amended by inserting the Words, “idly, or for sport or amusement”
, spoke in explination.—
moved, & it was seconded & Carried, that the words “idly or for sport or amusement”, be inserted in the Bill.—
wished the Bill read for the benefit of the Col. who came in late.—
said as they <some of the Col.> came in after the appointed time, they must abide the disadvantages.—
The spoke in explination of all the <the 2nd & 3rd.> Sections in the Bill.—
<said that the Bill be Engrossed as it s> could not vote for the <2nd Clause in the> Bill as it now stands in as much as there is no limitation as to time.— & he dont Co <know> to what extent <in Amount> it might go extend.
spoke, & wished an amendt, that each Person <be fined not exceeding Ten Dollars, & strike out the time.—>
said the Court for <can> Fine sufficiently for Contempt of Ct, & that this Clause is not necessary—
said he wished the Fine to be assessed as it now stands, & wd encrease the Sum, that it shall not exceed Ten Dollars an Hour.—
said he did not Conceive this <Clause of the> Ordce necessary.— [p. 42]