continued— and said he sent to .— and Joseph knew nothing about it.—
said. came to him on the 7th & said he had had an interview with . & though[t] he was almost ready to come back— and a word f[r]om witness or Joseph would bring it about.— &c
Mayor— said the conduct of such men— <&> such papers are calculated to <do> destroy the peace of the .— and it is not safe that such things should exist— on acount of the mob spirit. which th[e]y tend to produce.— and— he had made the statem[e]nts he had, and called the witnesses to prepare the council to act in the case.—
was blakguarded out of and dubbed him with title of Judge. <(as he had unde[r]stood f[r]om citiz[e]ns of )> he was poor.— and <Mayorer [Mayor]> hilped him to cloth for a coat befor[e] he went away— <la[s]t fall> & he labored all winter to got the post office from Bro .— <(as informed—)>
<Mayor> Referred to a writing from .— and Showing that the Laws presented the communicati[o]n f[r]om the female Relief society in the <Nauvoo> Neighb[o]r— <to > was as the bone of contintion— <& s[a]id> If God ever spoke by any man. it will not be 5 years before this in ashes and we in our g[r]ave unless we go to <> or some <other> place.— if the does not put down. evry thing which tends to mobacracy— and put down their murders. Bogus Makers and scoundrels— All the sorrow I have <he had> ever had in my <his> family. has arisin th[r]ough the influen[ce] of . [p. 18]