[], Motion, to Nauvoo Legion Court-Martial, [, Hancock Co., IL], 12 Mar. 1842; handwriting of ; one page; Nauvoo Legion Records, CHL. Includes endorsement and docket.
Motion That the City of be divided into four Company militia destricts and that the bounds of each ward of the be the bounds of the said Company destricts & that the said Companies be numbered according to the number of the wards constituting said Company destrict. That the 4 Companies thus formed constitute the 4th Regt 2nd Cohort and be officered accordingly. That Captains & of the present Company <militia> destricts have the privilege of raising volunteers, from their present Companies, sufficient for two full Companies of volunteers. That Company be a rifle & ’s Company a Light Infantry Company retaining their present place and number in the line together with the comissioned officers in their Companies
Provided That the said officers have the privilege of retaining the respective offices which they now hold in the the militia destricts in which they live after the afforesaid division of the militia destricts at their own option
That if the Captains wish to remain in the militia with their Companies that their places in the first Regt be filled by new Companies of volunteers raised from the militia for that purpose & that the afforesaid organizations be completed before the General Parade on the 7th of May Proximo
<(Carried.) March 12th 1842. (Copied for publication.)> [p. [1]]