Note, Charles Ivins to Willard Richards, 3 May 1842
Source Note
, Note, [, Hancock Co., IL], to , 3 May 1842; handwriting of ; one page; Papers Removed from Trustee’s Account Books, ca. 1841–1846, CHL. Includes notation.
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I have come To the conclution that I Must have 15 hundred dollars for said farm and The rent for this present year, as doctors buisness And my own is so arraingd. that I apprehend I shall loose by Him aneyway I can fix it
<The above I Considder fair on both Sides And I shal just save my self>
May 3rd. 1842
The deed Cals for 17 hundred dollars My Mind was and Still is that it was $1,600.00 I paid for it [p. [1]]