to vote, not quallified according to law; or shall knowingly receive and count more than one Vote for one person, at the same election for one office; or shall be guilty of fraud, curruption, or partiality, or manifest misbehaviour in any matter or thing relating to said election; or shall refuse to receive the Vote of any elector, who has a right according to law to vote at the Polls; each and every person so offending, shall upon convicton thereof before the Mayor, or municipal Court, be fined in any sum not exceeding One hundred Dollars for each and every offence; each of the aforesaid fines to be collected and appropriated in the name of, and for the benefit of the ; together with Costs of Suits. provided, that nothing in this Ordinance shall be so construed as to prevent the Judges of election from refusing to receive the Vote of any person, when it shall be proved to the satisfaction of a majority of them, that in taking the said Oath he shall have sworn falsely.
Sec. 19. This Ordinance to take effect and be in force from and after its passage.