Nauvoo Legion Court-Martial, Ordinance, , Hancock Co., IL, 15 Oct. 1842; handwriting of ; signature of ; approved by JS in handwriting of ; two pages; Nauvoo Legion Records, CHL.
Asterisk (*) denotes a "featured" version, which includes an introduction and annotation.
Sec. 1. Be it Ordained by the Court Martial of the Nauvoo Legion in general Court assembled, that any private or noncommissioned Officer residing without the City Corporation, may leave the company to which he belongs at any time whenever he shall produce satisfactory evidence that he has enrolled himself in the Militia company in the precinct in which he resides.
Sec. 2. Each regimental or Battalion Adjutant shall receive annually from the treasury of the Legion two Dollars for each company in his respective regiment or Battalion, provided he shall keep a correct record of all the regimental or Battalion Orders, revise semiannually in the months of April before the Cohort Drill, and in the month of September before the Legion Drill, the roll of Commissioned and noncommissioned Officers, and make return thereof to the respective Brigadier Generals, also attend all company elections and keep the record thereof, furnish blank returns for each command<ant> of company <companies>, for company parade Battalion, regimental, Cohort, and Legion parade, and deliver them to said commandants before <the> said days of parade.
Sec. 3. The Record Book of said Adjutant shall be open to the inspection of the field, and general Officers.
Sec. 4. The Adjutants account shall be endorsed by the commanders of Battalions and Regiments with a Certificate that he has duly and faithfully performed all the duties required by this Ordinance and all other rules and regulations.
Sec. 5. The War Secretary shall receive thirty Dollars, and the chief Musician ten Dollars, each Annually, in consideration of faithful performance of all duties required of them, and said Officers shall have their Accounts certified to by the Major General.
Sec. 6. The adjutant General shall receive <twenty Dollars> annually, in consideration of faithful performance of his duty, which account shall be approved by the Lieutenant General.