Hour for Dinner, and one for Supper; & the said Monthly Meetings shall be called “The Regular Meetings of the City Council.”
Sec. 2. Each Member of the City Council & the Recorder, & Marshal, shall be allowed Two Dollars per Day for attendance, Cooperation, & Services, at said Regular Meetings: & each Person aforesaid shall be fined in the Sum of Two Dollars for neglecting to attend at any such regular Meeting, without an excuse satisfactory to the City Council, & for each part of a Day so attended, or neglected, a proportionate allowance, or fine, shall be granted, or assessed, as the Case may be.
Sec. 3. It is hereby made the duty of the Recorder to keep a just & accurate Record of the Members present, including the Recorder & Marshal, at every such regular Meeting, together with a full list of Absentees, which list shall be returned to the Mayor for collection of Fines quarterly.
Sec. 4. Special Meetings of the City Council, called by Order of the Mayor, by Summons or otherwise, shall be governed by the aforesaid Regulations.
Sec. 5. All ordinances, or parts of ordinances, contrary to the Provisions of this Ordinance, are hereby Repealed. This ordinance to take effect & be in force, from & after its Passage.