Nauvoo Legion Court-Martial, Ordinance, , Hancock Co., IL, 3 June 1842; handwriting of ; signatures of and ; approved by JS, 6 June 1842; two pages; Nauvoo Legion Records, CHL. Includes docket.
on the days fixed upon by Ordinance No. 1— and the said courts shall, in that case, be composed of the Captain as President— the Orderly Sergeant as Secretary— and the Lieutenants as members— and the returns shall be made as in other cases, to the Adjutant General.
Sec. 6. The Major General shall receive the same compensation for inspecting, recording, and making returns, and other duties devolving on him, as is now allowed by law to the Brigade Inspectors of the Militia of the State of : the Surgeon General shall be allowed one dollar for each invalid examined and discharged: and the War Secretary shall be allowed fifty cents for recording each discharge aforesaid.
Sec. 7. No Squadron of the 1st Cohort, or Battalion of the 2nd, shall consist of less than two, nor more than four Companies; and no Regiment shall consist of less than two, nor more than four Squadrons, or Battalions.
Sec. 8. The ranking officer present at any law-making Court Martial of the , (excepting the Lieutenat General,) shall be the President of said court; and to War Secretary of the Major General, the Secretary: and all laws, or ordinances, passed by the said Court Martial shall be submitted to the Lieutenant General for his approval or disapproval— and in case of his disapproval, the act shall be returned to the succeeding court martial with his objections in writing; and if then passed by two-thirds of the court it shall become a law without his signature.
Sec. 9. That all laws, and parts of laws, inconsistent with this ordinance, be and they hereby are repealed.
Passed June 3rd, AD. 1842.
, Major General, and President of the Court Martial.
<Colonel <War Secretary>, and> Secretary of to Court Ma[r]tial.