Nauvoo Legion Court-Martial, Ordinance, [, Hancock Co., IL], 31 Aug. 1844; unidentified handwriting, possibly ; one page; Nauvoo Legion Records, CHL. Includes docket.
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Augt 31th 1844 —
<Sec 1. > Be it ordained by the Court Martial of the in Gen[era]l Court assembled
Resolved That an election be held at 2 o’clock P. M. <to day> at this place for the purpose of electing a Lieutenant Genl of the Nauvoo Legion to fill the vacancy of Lieut Genl Jos Smith who was assassinated <while> by under th[e] protection of the ; <his own <honor> faith and <faith> that of the being pledged for their <his> safety> and also an to election a Majr Genl, of the Nau[voo] Legion to fill the vacancy of Majr Genl cashiered
Sec 2 That we feel to take up with the advice of the on the 27 th June last— viz that as a community of Millitary Saints we will let our religion be our protection with such arms as we can procure for ourselves, untill we can recieve our proportion of the public arms acording to the <provisions of the> Charter of our sd Legion